Patrick Rothfuss: The Name of the Wind image

Patrick Rothfuss: The Name of the Wind

Martina Hajdinjak
The following dissertation deals with the translation analysis of neological terms found in the fantasy novel, The Name of the Wind, by Patrick Rothfuss, in relation to the Slovenian translation made by Sergej Hvala. In accordance with Newmark's theory of translation criticism, thirty-two terms and expressions have been selected. Since all terms are neological and the languages concerned are English and Slovenian, the translation process is expected to be easier when formation of new compounds is required, but more challenging in cases of single-word counterparts which should semantically correspond to the original term. The analysis proves that Slovenian is a flexible language, able to form and accept new coinages; however, the Slavic origin of the language, which seldom offers straight-forward solutions with complete semantic agreement, makes the translation procedure more difficult. The translator follows Newmark's rule of translating SL neologism with a TL neologism, and solves translation problems in an innovative way, only rarely applying the method of transference. The translation is very rich in terms of wordplay and thus enhances the reading experience.
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Martina Hajdinjak
M. Hajdinjak
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