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Nut Job image

Nut Job

Books | Fiction / General

Eleanor C. Horner
What do you do when you're convinced Satan has been watching you bend over in yoga class? Who do you turn to for help when your daughter is a heroin user and prostitute? Elizabeth Halloway, Crisis Counselor at Mission Pacific Psychiatric Hospital, tries to answer these calls at the countries' most luxurious private psychiatric hospital in Los Angeles. Elizabeth, college graduate and kleptomaniac herself was fired from her first mental health job when a schizophrenic attempted to murder a famous game show host. She now needs to prove that she's on the right side of the couch. She becomes entangled with a blood stealing Mormon, a delusional drug-addicted rock star and a handsome psychiatrist. She tries to hold onto her job despite dropping admission rates and her disintegrating marriage to Jack, a local celebrity sportswriter.
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Eleanor C. Horner
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Published Date
1478217308 9781478217305

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