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Topic: TED Business

WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT WORKING FROM HOME? WHAT DO YOU DISLIKE? I just listened to 3 tips for leaders to get the future of work right | Debbie Lovich on TED Business. All managers and especially senior and executive leadership would benefit from this podcast. https://listen.stitcher.com/yvap/?af_dp=stitcher://episode/90453311&af_web_dp=https://www.stitcher.com/episode/90453311&deep_link_value=stitcher://episode/90453311

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Chelsie Johnston Personal Likes: Flexibility in overall schedule, basically no dress code, comfort in how I enjoy being productive (listen to music, a little scattered but enjoying the process), & really just not feeling so self conscious about what I'm doing/the social aspect of being an employee


Chelsie Johnston Personal Dislikes: Feeling like I have to be productive at home too (do dishes as I use them, throw in laundry, just perform general housework simultaneously with work), the assumption that I'm always available during business hours & a few hours on either side 🥴, distractions that come with being home (have 2 pups + busy neighborhood)


Chelsie Johnston Overall I personally like a hybrid situation best & that's what I utilize as I have some comfort in my position now - about 3 days in office, 2 at home! Curious to hear others thoughts & will be saving this episode!!
