Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey
45 min
In interviews and rare home video footage, ex-FLDS members share the truth about their isolated community — and the events that pushed them to leave.
True Crime
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"What! How is this still going! It’s disturbing watch underaged girls being married after being raised with the sole purpose of how to become ‘good wives.’ Using religion for excuse to rape and abuse, that’s not okay! “Keep sweet” (people have more emotion than just happiness and preventing them from feeling normal human feelings is harmful)! The abuse these women went through and the fact that their ‘leader’ is in prison and still controlling and manipulating this environment is terrifying. I could go on and on because this was infuriating and horrifying! #nonfiction #crime"
"I've read and watched more detailed and thorough accounts about the FLDS than this was, but it still helped fill in some gaps for me. I'd like to see an update story of recent years, after Warren Jeffs went to prison, because he is still running the church from prison, and word is he has become even more strict with the members since then. Last I heard he has forbidden marriage while he's incarcerated, which is devastating to his followers because plural marriage and having children is the basis for the entire religion in order to attain their highest salvation. And countless people still blindly follow his "teachings" without question. He has them convinced the only reason he's still in prison is because of their wickedness and that they are not praying hard enough or living righteous enough to be deserving of his presence so that's why the "gentiles" continue to persecute them. Crazy how much power one corrupt man can wield and how many lives he can hold hostage or destroy through that control."
""If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to abuse them." - Mitchell Garabedian
a stunning, sickening docuseries about a perfect storm of religious fundamentalism, child trafficking, pedophilia, and the objectification/ownership of women.
obviously, warren jeffs is a monster, a sex offender, and a talented cult leader. but i can't help thinking of everyone who enabled him. i look at these men who joined this religious offshoot to accumulate young women like it was a golf club membership, and act surprised that they were then ousted once they were no longer useful. Talk about voting for the leopards eating people's faces party. i think about how not one of the people within the FLDS who stood up or said no to jeffs directly was a man. FLDS women had to do the work of running away, and get on the stand.
i know undoing a lifetime of brainwashing is not easy. but jesus, the women who unashamedly lie for jeffs and continue to do so make my skin crawl. the refrain of 'how could my mother let this happen to me' is SO painful. cults are so difficult to uproot with this much money and infrastructure behind them. the human trafficking also checks out with the statistics: like sexual assault, most people who are trafficked are trafficked by people they know; in the case of trafficking, it's usually their own parents. i am glad that some have managed to survive."
"Yikes! This was a wild ride. The lengths these twisted people go to, to gain their “power”.. disgusts me! It’s sad when that’s all you’ve known as your community and family, you know no different. Mothers still without their children. What a sick sick man! It made tear up when the court case was happening and she stood up to him! Love that she ( cannot remember her name) pointed out “I didn’t lose eye contact with him” GOOD FOR HER! Standing up to that monster would be so freeing. Also, at the end another lady’s belongings flying out the moving truck!!!! I BAWLED’! Truly amazing! 8/10 ⭐️"
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