The Lightning Thief
Books | Juvenile Fiction / Media Tie-In
Rick Riordan
Percy Jackson is about to be kicked out of boarding school...again. And that's the least of his troubles. Lately, mythological monsters and the gods of Mount Olympus seem to be walking straight out of the pages of Percy's Greek mythology textbook and into his life. Book #1 in the NYT best-selling series, with cover art from the feature film, The Lightning Thief.
High Fantasy
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Rick Riordan
Disney Book Group
Published Date
1423140346 9781423140344
Google: 4.5
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"this series sparked my ever-lasting love for Greek mythology, and the writing was so well done! Riordan uses humor throughout the series, and his characters are so strong! he knows who they are and what they would do in any situation, which a good writer should do anyway, but you can't punch any hole through his characters. I've read so many of his series - even Magnus Bane. I'm super excited for the live-action series to come out!"
"While I'm aware I would have probably loved this more if I had read it at a younger age I'm still disappointed it didn't hold up for me as an adult. I'm going to keep repeating myself so I'm not burned at the stake here. And before I complain more I'll just say that know Percy was very young. Still his character was super ignorant which drove me up the wall. He didn't believe in Gods which is fine but when his best friend sprouts goat legs he is immediately on board with it. Percy just doesn't have any likeable qualities to me which I can usually overlook with traits like arrogance or intelligence but he didn't have those either.<br/><br/>Honestly though the narrator of the audiobook might have made my review a little more harsh. Rick Riordan's voice for Percy was good but made him seem less likeable and goes overboard with all the other characters especially the olders ones.<br/><br/>Even with me not enjoying Percy's character I couldn't get invested in the rest of the group. The old Gods in the modern world was pretty cool concept and also how the author used bits of lore to make them a new persona.<br/><br/>The plot didn't hold up for me either. I daydreamed through most of the story. Would start fuming when Percy would stay at the elevator by himself or go into some sketchy places with the prickling at the back of his neck knowing good and well something is going to go wrong. I just wished he had one redeeming quality.<br/><br/>I'll probably try the next book though just because I enjoy the new old Gods. Maybe as Percy gets older and wiser I'll enjoy his story more too."
"I’ve finally started this series and was happy with the first book. I thought some of the stakes could use a little more dramatization but overall I was interested! I did have to remind myself that the MCs are 12 a couple times because I’m so used to older characters. I’m excited to see where the next book goes!"
Alyssa Czernek
"Literally my favorite book series of all time. It’s what got me to into reading books. They are making a tv show out of it that will be released sometime next year on Disney+."
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