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Amie Kaufman
Jay Kristoff
'This book is xxxxing awesome.' Laini Taylor Asha Grant came to Kerenza to escape her past. Too bad he just caught up with her. Asha survived BeiTech's initial assault and has been working undercover with the hopelessly outmatched resistance ever since. The last thing she expected to worry about was her ex-boyfriend, Rhys Lindstrom, who just landed planet-side. Is he her way out - or guarantee she never gets off this frozen rock alive? But Asha's not the only one with problems. Her cousin Kady's ragtag band of survivors are headed for Kerenza - without enough oxygen to last the journey. Oh, and there might be an insurrection brewing. With BeiTech hurrying to repair their damaged jump gate, and a mass extermination planned for the Kerenza civilians, only a miracle could save them now. And everyone knows that miracles are just statistical probabilities...right? BRIEFING NOTE: From bestselling author duo Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff - and select journal entries from Marie Lu - comes the heart-stopping, heartbreaking finale in the trilogy that broke the mould and has been called "stylistically mesmerizing" and "out-of-this-world awesome."
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Amie Kaufman
Oneworld Publications
Published Date
178074983X 9781780749839
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"Just finished rereading this one! Love it so much, this is for sure my favorite trilogy. "
Elide Herondale
"This was SUCH a FANTASTIC series!!!!!! I LOVED (most of) The characters and their arcs!!!!! I'm also Very glad it ended the way it did, though the final part felt a bit rushed to me. I feel like it would have been more satisfying if they had talked about the actual trial a Little bit more. I'm also Very upset about my Favorite character being LEFT BEHIND :'((((((( My final issue with this (and this is honestly an issue with the who series) is that I did Not like <i>any</i> of the Romantic pairings. They all felt a little flat to me. I liked the characters individually!!!!! I just don't think the Romance was necessary. That being said, I ADORED the world building and writing style!!!!!! I'm definitely going to be thinking about this series for a While!!!"
"If i'm being honest... this series just went down hill after the first book. I could barely finish this one. The concept was so cool, but in my opinion it was trying to hard. It would be such a cool movie, I just don't think I am going to read the novella for this series. It's too much and I feel like if I do it'll put me in a reading slump. Half of this book I skimmed because I could feel myself slipping into a slump. Though, this book was pretty easy to skim but still retain what I was reading because there was so few words per page the way it is formatted. Even if it is like 600+ pages. One star from me... I really wanted to enjoy these books. Bummed I didn't."
Hannah Grace Whitmill
"I will be honest.. This review and rating is a completely biased review due to triggers. <br/><br/>I loooooved the first two books. Like loved loved. I was so excited to read Obsidio and for a good portion of the book I was pretty happy trucking along and then bam.... I had to stop reading. I know that all the books are pretty harrowing and I expected lots of rough topics in this one and maybe the writing was on the wall for where this book might go. In any case, I spent a lot of time trying to skim the next few pages to try to just get through to different conflict scenarios in the book. <br/><br/>I will say this though the book/series has a lot at stake, but not. The authors have real attachment to their main cast of characters and nothing ever really puts them at risk. Yes there are a few fake out moments but all the risk and horror mainly lays outside of the main casting group. There is a security from the end of the first book knowing who is the Illuminae Group lets you know that even though everything is terrible in the books the cast you like make it through it all. <br/><br/>With that said. The book is still impeccably written. It's fun and engaging and reading it to the end was still so great. The only reason I have to rate it a 3 is because of my reading experience. I struggled to get through to the end because of everything the Kerenza colony had/has to go through. It physically hurt me. I would still highly recommend this book to just about anyone since its such a good series, the only reason I struggled was due to my own triggers."
"I think Amie Kaufman and Jae Kristoff have an amazing partnered writing style. Between becoming invested in most, if not all, of their characters throughout the trilogy their world building, plot lines, cliffhangers, and the mixed media formatting of this series truly kept me captivated. The books in this trilogy were all one sitting books for me because some pages are quick to read based on formatting but also simply because I found I just didn't want to stop reading. Obsidio was a great ending"
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