Books | Business & Economics / Organizational Behavior
Guy Kawasaki
Enchantment, as defined by bestselling business guru Guy Kawasaki, is not about manipulating people. It transforms situations and relationships. It converts hostility into civility and civility into affinity. It changes the skeptics and cynics into the believers and the undecided into the loyal. Enchantment can happen during a retail transaction, a high-level corporate negotiation, or a Facebook update. And when done right, it's more powerful than traditional persuasion, influence, or marketing techniques. Kawasaki argues that in business and personal interactions, your goal is not merely to get what you want but to bring about a voluntary, enduring, and delightful change in other people. By enlisting their own goals and desires, by being likable and trustworthy, and by framing a cause that others can embrace, you can change hearts, minds, and actions. For instance, enchantment is what enabled . . . • A Peace Corps volunteer to finesse a potentially violent confrontation with armed guerrillas. • A small cable channel (E!) to win the TV broadcast rights to radio superstar Howard Stern. • A seemingly crazy new running shoe (Vibram Five Fingers) to methodically build a passionate customer base. • A Canadian crystal maker (Nova Scotian Crystal) to turn observers into buyers. This book explains all the tactics you need to prepare and launch an enchantment campaign; to get the most from both push and pull technologies; and to enchant your customers, your employees, and even your boss. It shows how enchantment can turn difficult decisions your way, at times when intangibles mean more than hard facts. It will help you overcome other people's entrenched habits and defy the not-always-wise "wisdom of the crowd." Kawasaki's lessons are drawn from his tenure at one of the most enchanting organizations of all time, Apple, as well as his decades of experience as an entrepreneur and venture capitalist. There are few people in the world more qualified to teach you how to enchant people. As Kawasaki writes, "Want to change the world? Change caterpillars into butterflies? This takes more than run-of-the-mill relationships. You need to convince people to dream the same dream that you do." That's a big goal, but one that's possible for all of us.
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Guy Kawasaki
Published Date
1101475994 9781101475997
Google: 4.5
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"This is a cute YA paranormal romance with a focus on chastity and the relationship between 2 teens that are very much in love and connected by witchcraft. <br/><br/>Channie is a darling gal who just can't get a break because her parents are basically 'redneck....trailer park trash' and only know how to reprimand their children by physical abuse and witchcraft. It is a wonder that Channie is as sweet and level-headed as she is considering her upbringing. She was saved by the grace of her Aunt Wisdom...who taught her how to use her own magic thoughtfully and correctly.<br/><br/>Josh is a nice kid who rides motorcross bikes and adores Channie.....and he is sweet to her and respects her wishes....not only because he gets zapped and burned whenever he tries to kiss or touch Channie......but because he really respects her and wants to do right by her.<br/><br/>Their relationship is charming and funny and sweet....and their union will bring along more surprises and intriguing journeys ahead for them in the coming volumes to follow. It was a fun read and it really kept my interest which is great since most YA would consider me an 'old lady'...!"
"Recently, I decided to stop reading marketing books because they all said the same thing. Had this book been written by anyone different or not pulled on my Apple fangirl cord I might not have read this book. I'm glad, however, that I decided to. This book is refreshing, a quick read, yet also one that keeps you thinking for a while. I actually gave myself several days to let it marinate before I wrote about it. After letting it digest for a few days I went back to revisited my underlines and scribbles, and as directed set myself an action plan. Guy's sign off at the end of the book is "Be well, do good, and kick butt" and that may very well sum up the entire message of the book!<br/><br/>Although this book is in theory is about business - "create a company as enchanting as Apple" - I'd say it's a good read for any professional, particularly young professionals looking to make friends and move mountains in the work force."
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