
Topic: Screenplay

So,I've been thinking about this quite a bit lately and that is why are we Aces so underrepresented in media? The only Ace characters I can think of off the top of my head are Jughead (comics) and Gwenpool (comics)



Godzilla fan I don't know, but there was Tod Chavez on Bo Jack. I didn't know what an Ace was till I googled it. I guess I'm an Ace too. Not when I was younger but I guess am now. If that counts. Gillian from Gillians Island was, SpongeBob is and of course Jughead.. That is the only 4 I could find that I know anything about.


Jojo Awww that's awesome my friend! And same! When I was younger I had a very different outlook on what relationships were supposed to be and such. Things changed as I got older though and Mellowed out 😆😆


Brandon Reed Speaking as someone who isn't asexual, I think sexual people have a hard time relating to asexual people, which makes writing them harder. It's not an intolerance thing, it's just that sex and romance (partly because of biology, and partly because of the conditioning of modern media) form such a large part of our thinking. Writers may think that writing an asexual character closes doors to them from a story standpoint. And if a writer tries and does it well (either by being ace, or by researching well) then the producer has to approve it. And I think a lot of producers are going to shut that down because there are fewer people identifying as asexual in America, at least, than LGB and straight, so there's not as much appeal from a marketing standpoint. Now, as far as the numbers go, I think the number of asexuals is probably underreported, but that's another story. It's a shame, because 1.) not every story needs a romance, and they're often slapped on; and 2.) I'd actually be very interested to see stories of asexual people "dealing with" our sex and romance centered culture.


Jojo This is an awesome perspective and I totally see your point. Ultimately very much agree! Hopefully there could be more writers,actors producer of Ace experience to help open that door. I see the complications and challenges that come with taking on such a task, I particularly agree with the end of your reply and would like to see something like that on screen as well.


Kaitlyn Cope Heart Break High (Netflix) has an Ace Character, one of the very few I’ve seen but I really like how they don’t shy away from other characters not understanding at first. While not a show the book Loveless by Alice Oseman is very good and she’s already talked about Ace rep being included in season two of Heartstopper (Netflix)


Nadine . On the imperfects they have an ace character, it doesnt go into anything, shes just living her life and has a romance. Which is what I long for when they have lesbian/ pan characters in shows/ movies. Theres no drama around being a human, a relationship and who you love is just an aspect same as anyone else


Jojo I think I saw bits and pieces of that show on Netflix. I might start watching it and I love how they represent it as a normal thing and the people around them are not weirded out.


Marsh It’s underrepresented for sure, which weirds me out bc you’d think moral guardians would be delighted to have more of us for allosexuals to imitate. But I guess that would interfere with portrayals of nuclear cishet families with 2.5 children, since asexual ppl are less likely to reproduce. I wonder if the lack of romantic/sexual friction is so alienating for writers who over-rely on that crutch, they just don’t know what else to do with ace characters.


jsgdkahba Well when a media brings up romance it is usually to introduce a love interest, in media without romance they usually dont talk about romance. What I mean to say is, because of how a heteronormative plot would go about romance or the lack thereof, it leaves aro/ace characters hard to introduce in a natural way without going against the normal unspoken rules of romance in media. This is my thoughts anyway, it sucks


Kalila AR They really are! The only one I can think of is Issac from heartstopper


Statler or Waldorf I have heard that Abbi Singh from The Imperfects is asexual
