
Legally Blonde image

Topic: Legally Blonde

OK I know that I will probably get sh*t for saying anything thong bad about what is probably the best chick flick of the 2000s I love this film franchise I really do but I just realized that it is poorly written as far as elles relationship with Emmitt in the musical they have it be that Elle doesn't know how to study so Emmitt has to teach her despite the fact that Elle had a study montage and a 4.0 average in her previous school



Jenny Brown And in the movie all he does is stare at her intill he says you know as a blonde you actually have power and complies with elles theory of this guys gay in court and he helps her get Paulettes dog back also we only learn about what his interests and backstory is through supplement materials the sequel and the musical so what I want to know is do you guys think he was well written or not and if not how would you have written his character or would you have paired Elle off with someone else or would you have her decide that she doesn't need a love interest


Claire Freeman I liked Legally Blonde but thought Clueless was far better!


Brandie Costello I think the point of legally blonde is that she learns how to de-center men from her life. She basically chases warner across the country only to realize that she actually enjoys helping people and is good at it. Her relationship with Emmett isn't fully developed on screen because she no longer is driven by a romantic relationship. I don't even think we see them kiss? I've never seen the musical so can't speak to that, but I am a big fan of the message of the movie.