
Topic: Books

I started Listening to Cujo by Stephen King and then part way through I found out it has spice.(I should have looked into that before) So now I'm left with the choice of either DNF-ing it and instead reading its summaryOR I could try skipping the spicy parts. I don't really want to DNF it because there were some decently scary parts (which is the whole reason I was listening to it) but I dont want to listen to/read any spice. Is the spice easily skippable? If so what parts R spicy? Thanks

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Sarah Ortinau I would skip the spice and keep reading, but that’s just me personally. Sorry to ask, but how did you not know that Stephen King has s3x scenes or spice in his book?


Serena Thanks for the comment! I watched The Green Mile movie based on the book by Stephen King, and I hated it, so I thought that I'd never read any of his books. So this was the first book of his that I've ever read farther than the first four or five pages. So I guess I've just had zero exposure to his work. I guess it's pretty common knowledge that his books have spice, but I hadn't heard about that/or knew anything about that until like a month ago. So idk 😂


Sarah Ortinau See…I guess to me it doesn’t make sense, because I’ve only read one book by him (Pet Semetary, sorry, if I spelled it wrong, and I don’t think there’s any spice) and I’ve only seen the movies, but through social circles and references throughout the media of his influence, I know that there’s spice in his books. Like I know that Kujo has a blow j0b in it for no reason whatsoever.


Sarah Ortinau I also have to look up triggers for horror books, so that might be why, but his writing is featured on the Reddit “Men writing women” as well. I guess I just put 2 and 2 together
