Topic: Books
How do you pick your next read? It’s so hard for me and please don’t just say it depends on your mood I mean something like pick a number or yk
Sarah Ortinau Sometimes I put titles in a jar or cup or hat and I pick them at random
Amelia Peros Ooh
Sarah Ortinau I’ve also seen it where people wrap up all the books on their TBR and then number them and then have Alexa choose a number
Amelia Peros Ooh
Werewolf It’s like roulette for me, it’s whichever one I see first on a shelf at a book store, but if I don’t find one, I usually make a person pick a random number and whatever book that Number falls on that is on my TBR is the next book or series I read
Ngozi Onah I just save a bunch of books I'm interested and then I scroll through them when. I need a read and see which one peaks my interest in the moment
Bean (they/them) I choose the book that I want to read the least so I can save the good ones for last, or if I’m reading a series I just read everything in the series and then find more books by the author
Disgruntled Alchemist It depends on my library holds. What becomes available when.
CaitVD I should have read all the comments before adding the same suggestion!
lizard I feel like its definitely about what I’m engaged in at the moment. Not so much mood as interest, like if I’m really obsessing over mythology or looking to capture the feeling I had watching a horror movie.
Serena Usually, the books I read are the result of whimsy. I'll pick one because I liked the cover or the back sounded intriguing or just because I generated a random number between 1- 10 and then counted however many books down the line until I got to that number book. Sometimes, I know what specific genre I want to read, but I'll still let something random decide what book I read in that genre. Sometimes the book I end up picking wasn't even on my tbr and I don't know anything about it/haven't even read the back of the book.
Annie I put reading prompts in a jar and select 25 at random. After that, I put each prompt in a Book Bingo (5×5) table. It helps me read a lot of books 📚
Olive Smith I just look at my bookshelf and see which cover interests me or I just look at which genre I haven’t read in a while. Idk tho bc I barely ever read my mystery books lol it kinda depends on a whole lot of things but I can’t think of them rn bc I’m in a car and not looking at my bookshelf