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- Ready Player One
Topic: Ready Player One
I just re-watched for the first time since reading the book and its sequel. I know lots of people criticize the movie for not being a faithful adaptation of the book but I'm actually really glad it's not and believe the differences between the two versions are one of the biggest strengths for each version... It keeps either from spoiling the other and keeps you guessing what will happen next. I'll go into greater detail in comments on this discussion but be warned they will contain spoilers.
lyzander cross I watched the movie before reading the books so since Daito survives the movie it hit like a guy punch when it was revealed that he died in the book. Also while re-watching the movie it occurred to me that if I'd read the book first and saw Daito survive to the final fight (knowing how the version differed but seems to match each other step for step) I may have suspected that Artemis would die especially since she was separated from the others and the movie was teasing the possibility of her dying.
lyzander cross Also after reading the book and seeing the sentimental nature of the artifact Daito uses to transform into a Gundam in the movie and knowing he never got to use it in the book it carries so much emotional weight seeing him transform the perfect capstone to his journey between the 2 versions
lyzander cross When I read the book after having watched the movie something just seemed off about the book version of ogdon morrow and given how many other things were changed between the 2 versions part of me was suspecting that morrow would be revealed as a secret final villain at the end of the book
lyzander cross I also enjoyed all the callbacks to the books sprinkled throughout the movie for example 1.Ludis (the planet Nolan says he'll change all the schools on to ones from John Hughes movies) is a significant location in the book, where parzival, H and irock went to school and where the first key was located. 2.when the ooligests are trying to figure out what game to play to get the final key one of them says it has to be joust (joust was the last challenge to get the first key in the book)
lyzander cross Did anyone else encounter any interesting misdirects between the two versions?