It's no surprise that Stephen King dominates this list. Check out the other #horror novels the Likewise community hailed as the scariest books they've ever read. #scary
13 Books
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Likewise said "It's the only book that I felt couldn't stay in the room with me while I slept at night. So, yeah... IT!!!!!" -Tenine M
Likewise said "Scared me more on first reading than any book ever has. Had to keep it in the freezer overnight! 🤣" -Tricia N
Likewise said "It was way scarier than the movie and 40 years later there is no way I could read it again. I like sleeping with my windows open!!!" -Vicky B
Likewise said "Read it alone at night in the dorm. Scared me so much I had to go wake people up!" -Jennifer D
Likewise said "Such an essential read for horror fans. It's a bit of a slow burning story but you'll be so much more invested the longer you read." -Madeline M
Likewise said "Read when it came out. Always said it was the scariest book ever. Still say it." -Toni V
Likewise said "This is so intensely real that it literally will haunt you! There is a reason people are saying 2020 was written by Stephen King" -Anita S
Likewise said "The 1st book I read where which scared me to a point where I had to keep the lights on after reading it. Actually the 1st truly scary book I read. Reader beware." -Gerald C
Likewise said "I read this as a teenager and had to sleep with the lights on for a week" -Barb S
Likewise said "This book ate away at my nerves until I was a ball of shivering, delicious anticipation as to what would happen next." -PR
Likewise said "His writing is so unsettling." -Meredith L
Likewise said "This book has by far been the scariest I've ever read!!!" -Jennifer V
Likewise said "I had to sleep with the lights on after finishing it. Surreal and absolutely terrifying." - Emily C
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