
Topic: Books

This isn’t really science- but I guess it’s psychological stuff idk😂 I’m writing an essay about the negative aspects of social media, and why we should be using it less. Some of my supports are; how it encourages unhealthy behaviors, and overall lowers self esteem and happiness. I will also be mentioning the rise in s**cide rates and how it makes it harder to build real relationships. Does anyone have any thoughts?



Abigail The more you're on it, the more you'll become addicted and reliant on it, leading to spending your whole day staring at a screen and you won't ever do anything productive and you'll kill your brain (not really, but blue light is really bad for you)


Kelsey Ball What one sees on a screen is almost always extensively edited, polished, and filtered before being posted online. It creates a dysfunctional worldview for social media consumers, as the real-world cannot measure up to (let alone compete with!) edits, polishing, and filters. Curated social media presences can and do provide an unrealistic expectation for how one should look, feel, and behave, which can lead to poor mental health outcomes when life (inevitably) does not match what is shown online.


Ghostie Gal Something I think about a lot is that on apps like tiktok, where you scroll instead of clicking, you are sometimes forced to watch something unexpectedly, as you didn’t click on it, it simply appeared on your feed.


Marsh plus it reduces the relationships to a quantitative, rather than qualitative. 'followers' is such a weird concept to me. the constant 'like and subscribe' mantra is bizarre.
