
Topic: Books

What authors have you tried to like but just couldn't get into? Explain why if you can.

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AutisticJester Robin Hobb. She's great at developing characters but their lives are all so depressing its hard to enjoy. Her characters experience tragedy after tragedy without a light at the end of the tunnel. One character got a bunch of his puppies murdered, then his longer dog companion was murdered, and then he got a disabling disease that made into like an 80yr man.


AutisticJester Another characters tragedy was he got fat so literally everyone he new abandoned him and called him names. His father disowns him and most of his family dies of the plague.


AutisticJester Tad Williams. His books are entirely too long, and a lot of it is nothing happening or something almost happening and surprise nothing. But I heard that once you get about 60 to 80 percent of the way through the first book, it's amazing. I never make it that far, ugh.


Mandy Brandon Sanderson. It’s not that I don’t like him, I just don’t get the hype over his works. I have only read The Mistborn Trilogy and Tress in fairness. Tress was terrible, I gave it 2 stars. I really did like Mistborn but it wasn’t anything that blew my mind. People make him out to be a fantasy God level writer and I just don’t think he is all that. Perhaps I need to read more of his novels as my sample size is small. Though as a person he annoys me (but that’s a whole separate thing).


AutisticJester I think you need to read the Stormlight Archives to really judge his work in full. Tress isn't really a good indicator of his work, it's more of a niche entry.


Mandy Either way he’s full of s**t. He’s either a Mormon that turns his back to his God for a paycheck or he’s an open minded person who believes people who are gay should have rights that sends his money to organizations that want to end those rights. Doesn’t sound like a great guy either way.


Ghostie Gal Stephen King. I’ve tried reading several books of his but can’t get past the extreme detail and way that he presents his stories. It feels almost too cinematic, to the point that it feels removed and is difficult for me to immerse myself in. I have no doubt he’s great at storytelling and writing, but his books have never been something I’ve enjoyed. It’s so frustrating for me lol I want to understand the hype so bad


Nicky 🏳️‍🌈📚 Sarah J Maas (SJM). On one hand, I enjoyed the world building in ACOTAR, but I kept getting pulled out of the story with multiple mentions of “My bowels ran watery”. On the other, I can’t support someone who used the death of Breonna Taylor to reveal a book cover in the same post


W1NT3R_N1G1-1T Ana Huang


W1NT3R_N1G1-1T I feel as the story needs $p¡€£ to be good and there’s more spice than plot.


Anne G Hanya Yanagihara. A Little Life has gotten such great reviews but I found it exasperating because of this author's penchant for being unnecessarily long-winded. She also threw in unlikely relationships and every form of child abuse imaginable (seriously, EVERY form) at the expense of what could've been a very moving story. Can't imagine trying to suffer through another of her novels.


Ace Holly Black. I have tried countless times to get into her books and I just cannot