Mr. Crocket
88 min
A single mother thinks she's found the key to calming her child down – a VHS copy of a strange children's program named Mr. Crocket's World. However, a darker, bloodier secret waits to invade their home from inside the tape.
Elvis Nolasco
Jerrika Hinton
Ayden Gavin
Kristolyn Lloyd
Alex Alomar Akpobome
Akim Black
Jermaine Rivers
Community ReviewsSee all
"I am still humming that darn song hours after watching this movie 😆. This was interesting in a weird way. Mr. Crocket was a twisted mix of Mr. Rogers, Harold and the blue crayon, and Barney. This was set in the 90s and they nailed the looks. This was not scary but still good. I'd give it a solid B."
"The setup to this was pretty straightforward but was executed well. A children's program that reminded me of Picture Pages from back in the day. It had a very catchy theme song, and it felt like a show that could have been on TV. There was nice character development for the host. We get his back story, but it's told through animation, and you do feel sorry for him. He had a rough upbringing, and he really did mean well. The 3rd act is where things fell apart for me. I appreciated what they tried to do but it was a bit inconsistent with the tone of how it started. I would l love to see another one of these with a bigger budget and tighter storyline. As is, it was a good original character, which could be a start to a nice franchise. Please check out my podcast Mostly Low Budget Movies Reviews with Clarence for a full break down. On all streaming platforms. Link is in the bio. Thank you!"
"Glad to see a new scary movie #enjoyed"
Kira M