A reality show contest where sixteen or more castaways split between two or more “Tribes” are taken to a remote isolated location and are forced to live off the land with meager supplies for roughly 39 days. Frequent physical challenges are used to pit the tribes against each other for rewards, such as food or luxuries, or for “Immunity”, forcing the other tribe to attend “Tribal Council”, where they must vote off one of their players.
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Community ReviewsSee all
"I've seen every season of Survivor, in real time. So, yeah, I'm a fan. Some seasons are better than others but they are all good. Most times, I become invested in the people who come from all walks of life to try to Outwit, Outplay, Outlast and claim the title of sole survivor. There might be seasons where there is no one on the cast that I like enough to root for, but there is ALWAYS someone on the cast that I love to hate. And that's enough for me. 10/10"
"For my 500th recommendation, I figured I should do something a little bigger than normal.
Survivor is currently my favorite TV show so I will be ranking each season by quality and my personal enjoyment on a ten point scale, along with a sentence or two on why I liked or didn't like that season. I have not seen every season though, and I will update this list as I watch them.
Season 1: Borneo
Borneo is a fun season, but it has a LOT of growing pains that make it a slog to get through. 6/10
Season 2: Australia
Have Not Seen
Season 3: Africa
Africa has some of my favorite early-show people, but the season itself is a little slow. 7/10
Season 4: Marquesas
Have Not Seen
Season 5: Thailand
Largely forgettable aside from Shii Ann, Jeff Probst getting progressively more and more upset and sassy was amazing however 5/10
Season 6: Amazon
Have Not Seen
Season 7: Pearl Islands
Fantastic, it's the birth of two of my favorite players Rupert and Sandra. They really leaned into the local pirate theme with the challenges and it was so fun to watch. 9/10
Season 8: All Stars
Featuring a cast of returning players, All Stars has a bunch of great people with huge personalities clashing, creating a wildly entertaining season. 9/10
Season 9: Islands of Fire
Have Not Seen
Season 10: Palau
Have Not Seen
Season 11: Guatemala
Have Not Seen
Season 12: Panama
On currently 😊
Season 13: Cook Islands
This ones a bit uncomfortable, they divided the cast by race of all things and it all just feels strange. 6/10
Season 14: Fiji
Have Not Seen
Season 15: China
Survivor China has an amazing cast of characters and much like Pearl Islands, takes full advantage of the area and culture. The challenges here are extremely well made and super memorable. 9/10
Season 16: Micronesia
Micronesia is a fantastic season, it has some if the best social game strategy and contains one of the biggest blunders of all time. 9/10
Season 17: Gabon
Gabon is the definition of a mixed bag, it has a lot of highs and lows. Not super memorable aside from a few key scenes. 6/10
Season 18: Tocantins
Have Not Seen
Season 19: Samoa
Have not seen
Season 20: Heroes VS Villains
The pinnacle survivor season. Do not watch until you know who Boston Rob, Sandra, Rupert, Colby, Parvati, James, Amanda, Russell, JT, and Candice are. This is an 11/10, but don't spoil it for yourself until you're ready! This is one I actively rewatch.
Season 21: Nicaragua
Nicaragua is a weird one. I absolutely love parts of it, but despise others. Brenda and Jud are all-time favorites, but NaOnka is insane. Purple Kelly singlehandedly created an edit known as the Purple Edit where people get largely edited out of the season for being boring or making Jeff angry. 7/10
Season 22: Redemption Island
Redemption Island has a bunch of boring characters, but also has one or two that absolutely shine. This is the first iteration of the redemption island twist, and it's just doesn't work the first time around. 6/10
Season 23: South Pacific
South Pacific is fantastic! Coach makes a cult, Brandon tries to pray away his last name, and redemption Island is actually used strategically. 8/10
Season 24: One World
I only ever really remember Kim from One World. She's a godlike player, but she can't make up for how boring everyone else was. 7/10
Season 25: Phillipines
Have Not Seen
Season 26: Caramoan
This season features a bunch of fan favorites competing with fans of the show. The cast is fantastic and always keeps things interesting. Caramoan has the best strategy plays, leading to a players literal perfect game. 9/10
Season 27: Blood VS Water
Tysons best season! His interactions with Monica Culpepper and Gervase make this season great. This season pits survivor favorites versus their loved ones, it's a pretty unique and well handled premise. 8/10
Season 28: Cagayan
For the second time, the tribes are divided by Brains, Brawn, and Beauty. One tribe is painfully useless and goes on one of the biggest losing streaks I've ever seen. It's all wildly entertaining and has amazing contestants 8.5/10
Season 29: San Juan del Sur
It's Blood VS Water again, but this one wasn't as successful. Keith is a highlight, but the other contestants are just okay. Exile Island returns for the first time since Tocantins and is a welcome change. 7/10
Season 30: World's Apart
The contestants this season were divided by their occupations, white collar, blue collar, and self employed no collars. It's a fantastic premise and the players really went all in representing their collar type. 8/10
Season 31: Cambodia
Cambodia features all returnees, handpicked by the audience and fans of the show. It's a fantastic season, with plenty of interesting and great players. It also changed how idols were found, now being in challenges instead of lying around. It's a great change I wish they kept for longer. 8/10
Season 32: Kaôh Rōng
What a crazy season! There's fantastic strategy and social game here, with most of the contestants being somewhat memorable. It's not all sunshine though, this season has the record for most medical evacuations. One contestant had to be flown to the US in order to live. 8/10
Season 33: Millenials vs Gen X
This season featured the first full cast evacuation, where all contestants were removed due to an impending cyclone that ravaged camp. Zeke, Adam, and Ken are all fantastic and keep everything super fun and interesting, but it fails to stand out in any real way. 7/10
Season 34: Game Changers
Every contestant here is one said to have changed the game in some way. Most haven't. The season starts out strong but has a horrible boot order, losing everyone who was entertaining or making big moves. There's also a deeply uncomfortable moment where a contested gets outed by another player for being transgender. 4/10
Season 35: Heroes VS Healers VS Hustlers
Have Not Seen
Season 36: Ghost Island
This wasn't a bad season, but I wish it was a cast of returnees. This season focuses on previous failed uses of advantages; idols not played, steal-a-votes misused, immunity fails. These items are put on Ghost Island and feature new benefits if you can break the theoretical curse on those objects by using them correctly. It's an okay season, nothing too memorable. 6/10
Season 37: David VS Goliath
This season rides or dies based on if you like Christian or not. I do, and was actively screaming every episode rooting for him. 11/10. Perfect for your first season of Survivor.
Season 38: Edge of Extinction
Have Not Seen
Season 39: Island of the Idols
Have Not Seen
Season 40: Winners At War
I'm saving this one until I know every cast member. I think it will be amazing.
Season 41:
Have Not Seen
Season 42:
Have Not Seen
Season 43:
Have Not Seen"
"Watched one episode of this and I will never again watch another one. If you want to see a show where people screw each other over, manipulate, lie and backstab then you will love this. It’s just so awful! I thought it was a show about strong fit people competing. Little did I know it’s all politics and 90% of the show is just the contestants moaning at the camera about the other contestants. It’s so boring and it really highlights just how disgustingly immoral and awful people are."
B b
Boo boo
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