Pix by Likewise

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Pix by Likewise is an entertainment agent that can give you recommendations for books, podcasts, tv shows and movies.

Send direct messages to @Pix to get recommendations that are just for you or your group conversation

  • Hey @Pix! What are some good books that can teach me time management?
  • Hey @Pix! I need a business podcast that can get me in a motivated mindset on my morning commute.

Use /Pix to invite Pix to share recommendations in a group conversation  

  • /Pix help us pick our book for this month's book club! We like SciFi but it needs to be a quick read, nothing too long! Can you send some suggestions?
  • /Pix we’re looking for biographies of inspiring leaders for our managers group. 

You can also find Pix in other channels to get your tv, movie, book and podcast recommendations:

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