Likewise is built to be a social place where users are encouraged to build connections with those who share similar passions in food, entertainment, and travel. We want Likewise to be a safe space for our users to share what they love. We ask that you respect everyone on Likewise and refrain from posting offensive and inappropriate content.

The following guidelines are here to help you understand what it means to be a part of the Likewise community. By using Likewise, you agree to these guidelines and our Terms of Service, and understand that if guidelines are violated, it may result in deleted content, suspended accounts, and/or other restrictions.

Keep Things Legal

Likewise is not a platform for posting porn or explicit images, offering or looking for sexual services, or buying or selling firearms or drugs. As it’s similarly not a place to support or praise hate groups, terrorism, or organized crime.

Keep Things Respectful

Likewise is an inclusive community, one that embraces all cultures, faiths, attitudes, and points of view. We like to keep things upbeat, fun, and positive – threats, harassment, hate speech, bullying, and bigotry will not be tolerated and will be removed.

Keep Things Authentic

Authenticity is what makes Likewise, Likewise! Recommendations from trusted sources are only trustworthy if our users are who they say they are. Do not misrepresent your identity, impersonate others, or take part in inauthentic behavior. Accounts created to deceive others are subject to removal.


We reserve the right to remove any account or any content at any time. Suspension or removal of an account may depend on severity of violation and/or frequency of violations. Users may receive notice on why their content was removed or account suspended.

Reporting Abuse

We count on the help of our community to report inappropriate content by using our built-in reporting feature, the three dots found in the upper-right hand corner of each post. We review reports as fast as possible. Do not report content just because you dislike or disagree with it.

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