Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, #2)
J.K. Rowling
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"This one was my favorite growing up (Goblet of Fire eventually won out, and I'm currently undecided between that one and Half-Blood Prince). This is funny to me now because I think it may be my least favorite. It's still good, and in the best series in the world, but I think the others are better."
"Actual: 3.5 stars ✨ <br/><br/>Not my favourite from the series but still a good time to listen to. The reason it’s not a 4 or 5 stars is because about half of the book was more on the world building rather than focusing of advancing the plot forward. World building is great, just not for the amount of time it took away from everything else that needed to happen. Looking forward to listening to the next one !"
"It was incredibly slow paced but I think I prefer it to the first book."
"I am enjoying the series but i’m still not attached. I enjoyed the first book a little bit more than this book. The first book had so much charm to it. There was the characters, the world building, the magic. Since we already got the introduction there wasn’t that much of the amazement of discovering the world and the characters. The book was kinda slow and Hermione wasn’t in part of the book. There was a reason that she wasn’t in it but still. Also i find it hard to believe that no one notice the big snake going around. <br/><br/>I liked Ron’s family. They are all caring towards Harry and have their own charm. <br/><br/>Dobby was kinda cute"
"“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, for more than our abilities.” -Albus Dumbledore<br/><br/>The second installment of the Harry Potter series. The Chamber of Secrets follows Harry as he returns to Hogwarts for his second year. However, he learns the school is plagued by mysterious and dangerous events. As strange messages appear on the walls and students are mysteriously petrified, Harry, Ron, and Hermione work to uncover the truth behind the legend of the Chamber of Secrets. Along the way they encounter magical creators, hidden secrets, and more challenges that test their friendship and courage.<br/><br/>I enjoyed this installment more than the first. I enjoy watching the characters grow into their own and face new challenges. My favorite character in this book is definitely Harry, not because he is the main focus, but because he truly sticks up for his friends and their families (risking his life to save Ginny). You can truly feel the want of more knowledge and information from Ron, Harry, and Hermione. I love that we got to look further into the night that “Harry defeated Voldemort” and learn more about the magical creatures that live in this magical world. Dobby I think is a very endearing character. Just like Harry Potter you want him to stop meddling but you can’t help but feel bad for him and want to help.<br/><br/>I found this to be an easy read just like the first book. I figured being YA books they would be easy to get through but I am reading them much faster than I expected.<br/><br/>Food: Treacle Tart<br/>Drink: Pumpkin Juice"
"This series is very good and I am so glad I've been reading the books!!! I didn't pay attention when I was a kid and now that I'm reading I finally get what's going on. I disliked Ernie the hufflepuff!! He is a disgrace to my house. I feel like Harry has a trait of all the houses. Jo Rowling is a great author and I thought her imagery of the pain Harry had after being bitten by the basilisk. It is so visceral and raw!! I'm on my way to the 3rd book now. It should be great just as the others have been!!!"
"I wasn't shocked at all to find out I didn't like book 2 more than book 1 on reread. I never have preferred this one to the one before. I think it's lacking a lot of what I like in book 1. <br/><br/>I had a LOT of feelings about characters...<br/><br/>Harry is by far the most boring person ever, but I don't shockingly hate that? I think that that is a take that will eventually come back to bite me, maybe his lack of character just such a glaring issue that I burn everything I love. Oh well! Harry also makes few decisions that I never would have expected?? He just drags Lockheart into the Chamber of Secrets like there's no tomorrow?!<br/><br/>Ron is so silly and cute. I hate how dirty Rowling always ends up doing him. Get my baby a proper wand! I think Ron was just always in the background of every scene and didn't really stand out that much? <br/><br/>Hermione is literally the only character I missed! Why must she have been petrified... <br/><br/>I have such a complicated relationship with Hagrid and Dumbledore. I can't even talk about them here. There's also just so many tiny things that annoy me like literally the rest of the cast. How is that even possible?<br/><br/>I just think it's the weakest in the series, and I am SO excited for number three!"
"I love revisiting these books as an adult and seeing how my perspective has shifted on characters and the story line. I really enjoyed this book and recommend this series to literally everyone who has never read it but watched the movies. It’s so nice to get more in-depth looks into the characters rather than just seeing them on film. It is a great read for children but still holds its magic if you are an adult. The only negative I have is that I never realized how repetitive Rowling is when it comes to the opening chapters and the certain details within the plot. I understand that these were originally written for a younger age range and came out with gaps in between each book. However, at the age range this book is meant for I do not think there needs to be quite as much handholding as there is. Additionally, when reading them back-to-back (which I also did my first read through) this is horribly annoying. Despite this, I believe this series is well worth it!"
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