A road rage incident between two strangers — a failing contractor and an unfulfilled entrepreneur — sparks a feud that brings out their darkest impulses.
Steven Yeun
Ali Wong
Joseph Lee
Young Mazino
David Choe
Patti Yasutake
Dark Comedy
Community ReviewsSee all
"#GreatCast This series is comically #unhinged & just gets better & better, episode after episode, with sooo many unexpected plot twists.
▪️Very #angsty, so I don't need a S2, but I’d love to see this cast do more projects together. #asiandramas
▪️BONUS: #90s #soundtrack & Steven Yeun’s talents really shine here — he plays guitar & sings (nice singing voice!), & this is the most enjoyable role (for me) that I’ve seen him act in."
" ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 Had a hard time starting this one and it was slow going for me but I ended up loving it by the end. It’s a lot to unpack and I probably can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said…so just here to add this show has a lot to say and you gotta admire how uniquely and creatively it finds a way to place a mirror in the face of humanity. Those final two episodes! 😮🫢😳🥺🤣🤢😩🙃"
"This show is not what I expected from the description. I thought it was going to be an escalating revenge comedy, and I guess it was in a way, it just took the long way around to get there. It starts out great with the first episode, then takes a long look at each of their personal lives and stays there for a while, with little bits of revenge comedy sprinkled in here and there. I was about to give up on it about half way through but I'm glad I didn't. This series definitely redeems itself with the last two or three episodes. The story actually takes place over a pretty long period of time, which I wasn't expecting. When it was all said and done, I enjoyed it. 8/10"
"I had so many things wrong about what I thought this would be when I first saw the trailer. First, it's a series not a movie. Second, it's not really a comedy, though there are definitely comedic moments, I would categorize it primarily as a tragedy, because drama just isn't a strong enough word. Third, Ali Wong CAN act - after being very disappointed with her movie Always Be My Maybe, I was a bit hesitant to even see what this was about, but you don't have to be a fan of that movie or even her stand up to thoroughly enjoy this show. The trailer focuses mainly on the first episode, which i like because it doesn't give anything away, and that's the best way to watch anything, but especially this. I do kinda hope there's a second season just because it was so so good and I wanna keep watching, but I could see the creators choosing to leave it with just these 10 episodes. Either way, a wonderful series thats exactly what so many need in a time where every "new" thing is a remake. 10/10."
"I understood the concept of the series. I just thought it was stupid."
Christina Paz
"Entertaining drama comedy!!! "
Linda Kelly
"Good binge on a rainy day with one of the best things Netflix has recently released. Had me both in stitches and a little horrified by the pettiness we've devolved to. I thought Yuen was great in Minari, but this role was made for him. Ali Wong is awesome. Everything fades, but some of the gut punches will stay awhile."
"The idea of this show is very exciting yet simple, unless the creators fully exploit the subject and it’s characters this show could have been boring.
But thankfully the creators structured this chaotic mess beautifully and infused some of the best written characters in it. The way every problem unfolds and how some of them find conclusions and some left ambiguous was very smooth. The execution and the craft of this show is mind boggling, every little aspect was properly sketched, so the pain and satisfaction of the characters was felt by us. Steven Yuen was a revelation here, a brilliant performance. There are so many layers to his characters and he portrayed and conveyed every emotions of the character amazingly. Ali Wong was great, a bundle of chaos. She creates a whirlwind in Steven’s character’s life and people surrounding her. Terrifically portrayed, a unhinged character. The song selections were absolute bangers, every single song elevated the experience. The whole cast was great and the artworks were amazing. The humor worked perfectly, the subject is serious and the way they gelled some hilarious humor here was phenomenal, few jokes had me dying. The ending was perfect and there is room for another season. The reason why this was so good because many scenarios the characters faced here was very relatable and the writers did an effective job in capturing those beats raw. A thoroughly entertaining watch. The little kid has all my heart, an innocent soul in this monstrous world."

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