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Dog on It image

Dog on It

Books | Fiction / Humorous / General

Spencer Quinn
I could smell him - or rather the booze on his breath - before he even opened the door, but my sense of smell is pretty good, probably better than yours. So begins this fabulous, funny new detective novel featuring Bernie, a slightly down-at-heel PI; and his off sider, Chet, a dog - and the captivating narrator of the story. Chet may have flunked out of police school (I'd been the best leaper in K-9 class, which had led to all the trouble in a way I couldn't remember exactly, although blood was involved), but he's just as much a detective as Bernie - superior, sometimes, in his insight into human foibles. In Dog On It, their first adventure, Chet and Bernie investigate the disappearance of a teenage girl who may or may not have been kidnapped, but who's definitely gotten herself mixed up with some very unsavoury characters.
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Spencer Quinn
Published Date
1459612868 9781459612860
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