Because You'll Never Meet Me image
Because You'll Never Meet Me image

Because You'll Never Meet Me

Books | Young Adult Fiction / Social Themes / Friendship

Leah Thomas
A William C. Morris YA Debut Award finalistA Carnegie Award nomineeOllie and Moritz are best friends, but they can never meet. Ollie has a life-threatening allergy to electricity, and Moritz's weak heart requires a pacemaker. If they ever did meet, they could both die. Living as recluses from society, the boys develop a fierce bond through letters that become a lifeline during dark times--as Ollie loses his only friend, Liz, to the normalcy of high school and Moritz deals with a bully set on destroying him. But when Moritz reveals the key to their shared, sinister past that began years ago in a mysterious German laboratory, their friendship faces a test neither one of them expected. Narrated in letter form by Ollie and Moritz--two extraordinary new voices--this story of impossible friendship and hope under strange circumstances blends elements of science fiction with coming of age themes, in a humorous, dark, and ultimately inspiring tale is completely unforgettable.
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Leah Thomas
Bloomsbury Publishing USA
Published Date
1619635917 9781619635913
Google: 4.5
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