Love & Gelato
Books | Young Adult Fiction / People & Places / Europe
Jenna Evans Welch
Now a movie streaming on Netflix! A summer in Italy turns into a road trip across Tuscany in this sweeping New York Times bestseller filled with romance, mystery, and adventure.Lina is spending the summer in Tuscany, but she isn’t in the mood for Italy’s famous sunshine and fairy-tale landscape. She’s only there because it was her mother’s dying wish that she get to know her father. But what kind of father isn’t around for sixteen years? All Lina wants to do is get back home. But then Lina is given a journal that her mom had kept when she lived in Italy. Suddenly Lina’s uncovering a magical world of secret romances, art, and hidden bakeries. A world that inspires Lina, along with the ever-so-charming Ren, to follow in her mother’s footsteps and unearth a secret that has been kept for far too long. It’s a secret that will change everything Lina knew about her mother, her father—and even herself. People come to Italy for love and gelato, someone tells her, but sometimes they discover much more. Kirkus Reviews called Love & Gelato “a sure bet for fans of romance fiction,” while VOYA said readers “will find it difficult to put this book down.” Readers are about to discover a new place, a new romance, and a new talent.
Teen Romance
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Jenna Evans Welch
Simon and Schuster
Published Date
1481432567 9781481432566
Google: 4.5
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"I’ve been on a romance novel kick lately, and when there’s mention of icecream in the title, you know I’m in!
This was different from the stereotypical love stories I’ve been reading. Sadly, in the first few pages you are faced with a tragedy. Lina’s mother dies of cancer, and she makes a promise to her mother that she will travel to Italy. Lina’s mother had fond memories in Italy and a very close friend that she wants her daughter to meet. After her mothers death, she drags her feet… but ends up moving to Italy to live with her mothers friend Howard. Of course things get interesting when you find out Howard lives in a cemetery and had a closer relationship with Lina’s mother than she led on.
Throughout the story, you get flashbacks of Lina’s mothers life in Italy through her journal entries. This specific journal was mailed to Lina after her mothers death, and although she was hesitant at first to read it, she finds comfort in her mothers storytelling. Lina uses the journal as a guide to visit the same landmarks and hole-in-the-wall locations as her mother.
As Lina continues to read her mothers journal, she tries to uncover the mystery of “X”, the unnamed man she was dating as she wrote the journal. She also tries to find answers to some of her questions, such as who is Howard? Why did she never speak of him until she was sick? Why did she leave Italy? Why did she never tell Howard about her?
I really enjoyed the mystery aspect of this novel. I liked trying to put together the pieces and make predictions as Lily started to follow the bread crumbs herself. I didn’t find the storyline to be predictable, so it kept me interested cover to cover. The only part that I wasnt too fond of, was the scattered Italian throughout the book. The characters would have short conversations in Italian, but there was no translation. I felt that without the translation piece, I was missing out on some of the story."
"3.5/5 ⭐️ really cute YA romance! The plot was pretty predictable but very cute although the fact that the pacing only worked because of technology being slow was silly and unrealistic even at the time of publication I can’t imagine a 16 year old in a new country without a working phone and data but for the plot I’ll go with it. It’s definitely a slow burn and friends to lovers. Something super cute and fluffy that made me want to be in Italy. "
"This book was so realistic, and I love how the characters were portrayed. They weren’t introduced as some negative force or a complete sweetheart. The author really lets the audience interpret that for themselves. It was a wholesome experience, and it was heart warming to see Lina and Howard’s bond grow into a true father-daughter relationship. ❤️"
"Sooooo cute! "
Samantha Goodnight
"Sad I didn't love this book for me it was the main character literally complaining about having to be in Italy like babes pls I could not stand it. the story was pretty boring the most interesting part was Hadleys life and her journals also I absolutely stan the dad Howard I love that man I want a whole book of him and Hadley lol . The journal definitely kept me reading I also didn't care for the romance in this book it just didn't do it for me I do love Lorenzo I love how his character was written. I do wish we got more of the scenery described because the parts we did get were so atmospheric I felt like I was there the author had such beautiful writing I could honestly see myself picking up a book from them if it’s not the YA genre a thing I enjoyed was This book actually had a lot of Italian in it which I loved be l actually understood most of it (thx duolingo lol) this book is YA so definitely reads pretty young that's which is why I rounded up my rating since I'm not the target demographic "
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