All of Our Demise - Likewise Book Reviews
Skye Edelson-Bennett
"Great conclusion!"
"This started with way too many reiterations of the first book. And the characters. Some just bored me to tears and with a character-driven book it was pretty much the nail in the coffin. Alistair stayed the star of the show for me. He was unpredictable, evil, good, everything rolled into one. I just think the multiple pov's bogged down the story.
But the atmosphere. I'm not sure how but the atmosphere was always on point. The premise started of well too. Morally grey characters fight for magic. But that alone could not hold up the sequel. The fight scenes became stilted. Characters were having five-minute conversations while the magical object they desperately needed was unraveling. And I don't recall any more twists after the first book.
Still, it wasn't easy to guess everything that was conspiring. But in the end, the book lost its momentum and became very anticlimactic."
"Doesn’t compare to the first by a long shot"
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Nicky 🏳️🌈📚
"So much better than the first book. Loved loved LOVED IT🫶🏼"
"I loved this book !!! Totally recommend this series"
Lauren Fahrner
"I absolutely loved the sequel to All of Us Villains. The world-building, the twists that just didn’t stop, and the well rounded plot made for a great read. It was gratifying to see a lot of what was foreshadowed in the first book come to fruition. However, the one complaint I have is the somewhat disjointed inclusion of a seemingly last minute conspiracy that reaches far into the government of this nation. I think it was a typical YA plot device but wasn’t as strong as it could have been since we, as readers, have almost no idea of how this government is structured. The effects of the conspiracy are also seemingly short lived as the resolution focused mostly on the small scale conflicts and wrapping up romantic plots. I understand why it would be hard to include a full government takedown in one book and I understand the want to include a corrupted government, I just wish that plot element was developed a bit further. "
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mary the fifth
"Yea…this book definitely falls into the sequel syndrome. It felt way too fast paced, and the magic became confusing to me by the end. Go read the first one though, it’s seriously good!! "
"i love this book. i know some people might not like the hero complex stuff or all the build up, but I personally loved it. The characters feel real and i’m here for it. the impeccable writing is also a plus.
the best part, however is the enemies to lovers arc that was SO WELL WRITTEN. I don’t want to give any spoilers, but this is by far my fav book relationship in a while. (also, there’s some lgbtq characters in this one too!!)
this is one of my favorites. i even find myself drawing the characters. i would love if you read this book and fell in love with it too!
"So good. So violent. So unpredictable. "
"I absolutely loved it. I did skip a few chapters because I myself thought they were boring, but this book is still a 5/5 for me!"
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Vixen (He/they/She)
"It was good, but I feel like All of Us Villians was better"
Erin Arashiro
"“‘If you were ashamed of what you were willing to kill for, then maybe it’s time to ask yourself what you’re willing to die for.’”
LOVED the LGBTQIA+ representation. As a younger sister who’d do anything for her sibling, I felt this specific book so deeply in comparison to the first. However, I feel like one of the relationships that comes to light later in the book is a bit forced, and that themes and character choices are repeated in the same way over and over. "
Lauren Skarosi
"I just finished this book, and wow. It took me a little while, but this mini series definitely goes in my loves. It had a good amount of action, drama, and romance without one being too overpowering. I like to describe it to others as “a magical version of the Hunger Games but instead of districts it’s families.” Just a fantastic read, will definitely recommend to others. "
End of reviews