Heart Shaped Box
Books | Fiction / Romance / Erotic
Anthony R Vidal
I've always played it safe. Forever the good girl, staying within the lines of morality. But it's time for a change. Time to leave all of that behind.I know he's forbidden, off limits to me, but I don't care. I've found the one indulgence I will treat myself to without regrets.Chapter One My brother, Roman, my own personal Jesus at times, is always pushing and sometimes shoving me to follow my dreams; no matter how insane or fucking crazy they are. He's been right here in my corner, cheering me on. So of course, when I dropped out of college a year ago to pursue my dream of owning my own business, I recruited Roman to help me break the news to our parents. After the dust settled and the smoke cleared, mom and dad were somewhat receptive and offered me their spider infested basement to set up shop. Living upstairs would make commuting a fucking breeze. Even Roman decided to take some time off from getting his degree in business, to babysit me, and therefore becoming my partner in crime. With a few modifications and a shit load of elbow grease, we were off and running; I couldn't have done it without him. It's been one hell of a wild ride but business is good, so good that we've outgrown the cramped, cold and damp little space under our parents' house. Finally ready to break free of the Dungeon, we hired on a few more hands to help out. Roman being the cheap, penny pinching, no holds barred, negotiating, asshole he is; we took a vote. He was nominated four to one to take on the headache of pounding the pavement for a new home for our thriving little Twinkled Designs. It didn't take Roman long to hunt down the perfect location in the old historic district of San Francisco. Newly renovated and freshly placed and on the market, The Manor had a lot of available office space for lease, and if we acted fast we could be the first to occupy a spot in the building. Roman, not well known for being patient or considerate of others, didn't want to wait, and insisted I get my lazy ass up and see it right away. I had this eerie feeling, the one you get that stabs at your insides. But it could just be that it's not even nine am, on a Saturday and I'm unfortunately awake, plus I'm up, dressed and here pulling on a set of locked fucking doors in a dress on a cold morning. I'm a little pissed there's no Roman yet but I'm not surprised either. However as I glance around, I'm quickly over it taken aback by the gorgeous building. It's a sign that we had finally made it, that all our hard work had finally paid off. I can feel the butterflies begin to flutter in the pit of my stomach when I'm suddenly startled by a cold hand heavy on my shoulder. I find myself going to the dark place of "what-ifs" in my head, the ones my dad had always warned me about. 'Gabs, pretty little girls like you go missing every day. This world is filled with monsters be smart.' He would say.Relieved is an understatement, when I hear Roman's deep voice speak up from behind me. "Well, what do you think Gaby, did big brother come through or what?""Jesus, you scared the shit out of me, Roman! And by the way you're only older by about fifteen and some odd seconds. But it is amazing and, wow, this location. When do I get see the inside?"Tauntingly dangling a key in front of my face, so much pride and excitement flowing from him he can barely stand it, Roman says, "Right now, sis. The owner said it would be okay to take you in and show you around. But first I need those two little, magic words.""Ugh, fine fucker, pretty please can we go in now?" Once inside, it's like an instant orgasm, making me weak in the knees. The smell of the eggshell colored freshly painted walls has easily become my new favorite scent next to the musky aroma of a man's cologne. The elegant look of the new cherry stained hardwood floors has a professional business feel to it.
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Anthony R Vidal
Independently Published
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