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Hot take! So far I've detested every film I've watched with Barbra Streisand or Cher in it. However all the reviews seem to heap praise on these two ladies. I think they are great singers and cultural icons, but as actresses leave a lot to be desired. Anyone agree or disagree?
Jared Stearns I agree with you about Streisand, but I'm afraid I have to disagree with you about Cher. Moonstruck gets all the attention, but her role in Mask is powerful. Mermaids is a lovely performance, and Suspect is a guilty pleasure.
Audrey I was disappointed with Cher's acting in Suspect and Moonstruck but admittedly haven't seen the others. Thanks for your validation on Streisand 😆
Ken L I agree with you. But Barbra Streisand was very good in What's Up Doc. I think one of the funniest comedies ever, and Quentin Tarantino thinks it's the funniest comedy from the 1970s.
Road Master I honestly haven't seen either of their movies. So I can't really say anything about their acting abilities. I don't think either of them are great examples of humanity. I do think it's hilarious that the Streisand Effect was coined thanks to her.
Dorian I think it depends on the performance (as people have mentioned, they both give great performances in Moonstruck and What’s Up Doc, respectively), but also I would question what you mean by “good acting”— a lot of discourse in the current era praises naturalism as good acting, but both Cher and Babs give wonderful theatrical performances. They act in a specific style, and I think it’s easier to appreciate if you frame it to yourself as a performance rather than trying to be close to “real life”.
Audrey In every performance of theirs I can't help thinking how much better the character would be if it was Streep or Hawn or similar. 😣
Dorian I kind of do the opposite! Streep and Hawn are fine, and I don’t think they’re bad actors by any means, but I love things that are over the top and a little surreal, plus I have a theatre and performance art background, so Cher and Streisand end up working better for me. I think it’s really about the style of performance you like more than it is about the skill of the performer