Topic: Arcane
Now all of season 2 is completely out and done, I really need to talk about that. The ending…wow. The ending had me sobbing. What I really wanted to talk about though was the storyline itself. Did anyone else get the feeling that the story was choppy? It just didn’t seem to watch as smoothly as last season. There was a lot going on and I feel like it was rushed and cram packed. The ending made me feel empty. Not the “this show took a part of my soul” empty but like empty, empty. Read in comments
KyKy (Because of the character limit I’m continuing in here.) I just felt unfulfilled when the show ended. It didn’t leave me satisfied or with any type of closure. I was really expecting MORE. Half of the things that were introduced were not explained. I know that if you play the game or now the game lore it makes more sense, however, I shouldn’t need any prior knowledge then what the show gives. It was fine in the first season but I’m sad to say the second season just felt like a mess. I still loved it, and compared to any other show I have watched it is still a masterpiece. But it didn’t live up to what the first season was. Sorry if this is a bit of a rant/vent. I would still really love to hear from others! Also sorry for any spelling mistakes. I’m on a typing frenzy and really don’t want to look back and make sure I spelt everything correctly. This might not even make any sense.
Connor Veenstra Oh my gosh, thank you! I thought I was the only one that felt like the story choppy. I'm sitting at a lonely table for one and it's a downer take, but I didn't like this season at all. The writing was bad, cause-and-effect was a suggestion half the time, the character motivations changed from the first season making it inconsistent, characters were introduced and then dropped without doing anything, the pacing was they had so much going on that they couldn't fit a bit from each plotline into each episode (something the last season did masterfully), and it felt like it was just going to fast for the sake of "We need to get all these characters into their places for the game in one season and we don't care how that screws up character arcs, personalities, and motivations. Deadlines, people!" Ugh, so disappointing. Nothing was going to top the masterpiece that was the first season, but to follow it up with this sloppy mess was just... another level of letdown.
KyKy Exactly! I was really upset considering that this is also the last season we are getting. I hate for it to end like this!
Connor Veenstra Maybe (hopefully) they'll learn their lesson for the other shows. They'll recognize the mistakes they made and strive to do better. Fingers crossed.
KyKy Hopefully!