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Topic: TV & Movies
I want to start the Spiderman franchise I think I saw the first or second one way back in the day but I never got into the sci fi a ton hero movies but now I'm wanting to give them another go. I actually really enjoyed Guardians of Galaxy so I was wondering what's the best Spiderman movie on the series? I actually really like Tom Holland In general are his movies good? I'm sure the most common response is the original ones are the best but id like to get into whichever has the best plot.
The Tom Holland movies are good, but they start very far into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You could probably watch the first one, Spider-Man: Homecoming, without being totally caught up if you just knew that Robert Downey Jr. is Iron Man, but watching the second one, Spider-Man: Far From Home, without being caught up on the larger MCU storyline to that point would be difficult. Beyond that, I like the originals with Tobey Maguire better than the first reboot with Andrew Garfield. Garfield is an excellent actor, but the writing and characterization in those movies aren't great.
You also have to have seen all the Maguire movies AND all the Garfield movies for the third Holland movie (No Way Home) to have any impact.
Oh, yeah. He's one of the main characters. Gives a characteristically seamless performance.