Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy
85 min
This subversive documentary unpacks the tricks brands use to keep their customers consuming — and the real impact they have on our lives and the world.
Alison Quin
David Broughton
Gary Comerford
Steve Thompson
Peter Marchant
Tonya Cornelisse
Harry Ditson
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"Whoa! so if you’ve ever wondered why everything you buy seems to suddenly die at about the 18 month mark, including devices, refrigerators, laptops, and just about everything else, you’ll finally realize it was all part of the “planned obsolescence”
I feel like I am a walking living success story for the folks at Amazon who set out to make “buying more” both seamless and addicting. This documentary is flat out shocking. I guess what’s most surprising is that so much of what they show in feature is just common sense but, corporate Giants have done a phenomenal job of making sure we don’t think about the consequences of our purchases or where “away” is when we say we’re throwing something away.
Unfortunately, the only true solution proposed in this dock is consuming less, which makes total sense except that it’s much harder than it sounds when immersed in this reality. (Granted I may have missed some other solutions and suggestions as I was distracted and buying more things on my phone while consuming this documentary because #addicted)
Suggesting consumers consult this problem by simply consuming less is kind of like telling a drinker… We just don’t drink when every part of society, culture, traditions, marketing is immersed in the opposite message. "
Chalene Johnson