Kingdom of Ash
Books | Fiction / Fantasy / Romance
Sarah J. Maas
Together they will rise. Or together they will fall.The epic finale to the #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas.Aelin Galathynius has vowed to save her people-but at a tremendous cost. Locked in an iron coffin by the Queen of the Fae, Aelin must draw upon her fiery will as she endures months of torture. The knowledge that yielding to Maeve will doom those she loves keeps her from breaking, but her resolve unravels with each passing day.With Aelin captured, her friends and allies have scattered. Some bonds will grow even deeper, while others will be severed forever. But as destinies weave together at last, all must stand together if Erilea is to have any hope of salvation. Sarah J. Maas's #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series draws to an explosive conclusion as Aelin fights for her life, her people, and the promise of a better world.
Young Adult
High Fantasy
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Sarah J. Maas
Bloomsbury Publishing USA
Published Date
1619636115 9781619636118
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"4.5 stars. I really wanted it to be a 5 stars read. The ending was good. But I would have preferred the epilogue to be a couple years later. With everyone getting their happy endings, to really end this serie. The book was extremely long, but somehow didn’t cover everything. I feel like some parts were left out. "
"What an epic conclusion to this rollercoaster of a series!! I will never stop recommending it to fantasy fiction lovers. It was so well thought out with storylines and characters being weaved throughout the series. This final book will give you all the feels. What an emotional web this author weaves. The bonds that are created are so beautiful and she takes her time wrapping up the storylines of all the characters we care about. I will be rereading this series over and over. It has a very special place in my heart. "
"The numb feeling is threatening to take over the words I try to write. This series was everything to me the past few weeks and now it is done. So what am I to do now?<br/><br/>What drove me as I read was the thought of everyone we have come across. Aelin throughout her life gave herself over to people. Young and old, friends and strangers. In the end her light was depleted but not lost. It shown thru her friends, thru her people. They all came together and burned brighter than the stars. It took my breath away, the love that was shown. Not just for Aelin but Manon too.<br/><br/>The thirteen. I had not known how much I loved them until they gave themselves to the light. Tears streamed down my face as realization struck of what they were doing, what they were given up. And when the people of the world laid down those flowers and trinkets, I had only wished I could do the same.<br/><br/>The litte folk where one of my favorite of the races with their strange magic and small hands. I was glad to see them again. "This way. Come. Come. This way." Their elusive being enticed me and I wanted to know more about them. But also the not knowing was special too.<br/><br/>Oh Fenrys, is there a blink for "I love you"? He broke my heart into. I wished I could say his brother didn't mean it, it was not Fenrys fault. He gave up his life for his brother and his true queen. "I am here, I am with you." There was not a more beautiful sentiment throughout the whole of the world. And the fact that ever since he meet Aelin, he was always longing for her. Not romantically but for the love of her station and how she treated those around her. Even I found myself wanting to follow and protect her.<br/><br/>The war plans Maas came up with made my jaw drop sometimes. The strategies and just over all "what just happened" shock value was always around the corner. Aelin of course leaving something up her sleeve till the very end. War can make your soul seem old I have come to realized. Just in a few short weeks I felt as everyone else while reading. Weary and hopeless. I watched so many die, so many trying to keep their head up with no end of enemies in sight. One thing that did bug me though was the war happened in too short a time span. Not in page form, no Maas didn't leave me wanting. It's just that the whole series happened within a year or two. That wasn't realistic to me and my only complaint.<br/><br/>Did I love this book? So much I became lost inside the pages and ink only to blink back into my own world, missing a piece of myself. Really what can I say but that I have found space inside my soul for this world and the ones I have come to love in it. I am a complete mess and you know what they say "When life gets messy put a tacky rug over it."<br/><br/>When I started my approach to the end of the story I silently go up and walk away from the people around me. I didn't not want to share my loss and happiness with those who would not understand it. So I found a quiet corner and began to unhook the claws from my heart and slowly close the book.<br/><br/>"TO THE QUEEN." I can still hear them roar.<br/><br/>-------Scenes I had to write down------<br/><br/>Glennis grinned, that face lighting. "I struck first." She drew another arrow. <br/>"I wish you were my great-grandmother," Dorian muttered, and readied his next blow.<br/><br/>Asterin and Vesta teased him about it mercilessly as they'd traveled down through the spine of the Fangs, dramatically bemoaning the absence of his "pretty bluebell eyes", and had sighed to the heavens when the sapphire hue had returned.<br/><br/>Two Silent Assassins noticed on the second night that the dead soldier still lay on Lysandra's back.<br/>They said nothing as they gathered warm water to melt the blood and gore thay had bound him to her. Then to washed her.<br/>In her roan mare form, she had no words to offer them, had no way to ask if they knew what she was. They treated her with kindness nonetheless.<br/><br/>"The threads of fate weave together in strange ways" Falken said, then smiled at Aelin. "I never got your name."<br/><br/>Aelin sketched a mocking bow to the Lord of Arielle. "On that lovely parting note, we're going to finish up our dinners. Enjoy your evening, we'll see you on the battlements tomorrow, and please do rot in hell."<br/><br/>"I have need of you fierce-heart." She met Farasha's dark, raging eyes. "I have need of you." Her voice broke. "Please." And God's above, that horse stilled. Blinked.<br/><br/>She adopted a harsh whisper as they passed a group of human soldiers. "You flew back to the battlefield and pecked out the eyes of our enemies?" Her gasp echoed off the rock. "And ate those eyes."<br/>One of the soldiers tripped and the others whipping their heads to them.<br/>Rowan pinched her shoulder. "That you for that."<br/><br/>Chapter 99:<br/>She passed through a world of snowcapped mountains under shining stars. Passed over one of those mountains, where a winged male stood beside a heavily pregnant female, gazing at those very stars. Fae.<br/>They were Fae, but this was not her world.<br/>She flung out a hand, as if she might signal them, as if they might somehow help her when she was nothing but an invisible speck of power--<br/>The winged male, beautiful beyond reason, snapped his head toward her as she arched across the starry sky.<br/>He lifted a hand, as if in greeting.<br/>A blast of dark power, like a gentle summer night, slammed into her.<br/>Not an attack--but to slow her down.<br/>A wall, a shield, that she tore and plunged through.<br/>But it slowed her. That winged male's power slowed her, just enough.<br/>Aelin vanished from his world without a whisper.<br/><br/>-------Charater notes--------<br/><br/>Assassins:<br/>*Celaena- long golden hair, blue eyes, from Orynth,<br/>*Arobynn Hamel- with 7 trusted assassins, king of assassins, autumn hair with silver, silver eyes, 25, handsome,<br/>*Gregori- one of the 7, caught, scar on cheek from Celaena,<br/>*Sam Cortland- one of the 7, 17, brown eyes,<br/>*Ben- one of the 7, 2nd in command, ever smiling, killed, 30,<br/>*Mute Master- 50, man, tan, sea green eyes, leader of the silent assassins, cropped close dark hair, <br/>*Ansel- shoulder length red hair, red brown eyes, ornate wolf armor, freckles,<br/>*Mikail- smiles to much like Rolfe, handsome, curly haired, dark eyes, <br/>*Ilias- mute masters son, Sea green eyes, bright teeth, young, in silence,<br/>*Tern- Arobynn's second, likes poisons, slim<br/>*Harding-<br/>*Mullin-<br/><br/>Pirates:<br/>*Captain Rolfe- Lord of the pirates, tall, dark shoulder length hair, 30, lean, nice clothes, map inked on his hand, tanned, broad shoulders, sea green eyes, his priates tattooed with a multicolor hand, upper left lip small scar, <br/>*Jacqueline- sent captain a love letter<br/>*barmaid, slim, brown hair, young, twin grey sea dragon tattoos on her forearms, tan, Grey eyes,<br/><br/>Others:<br/>*Nolan- white pig inn owner, mostly bald<br/>*Lord Berick- rules over Xandria, wants silent assassins dead,<br/>*Benzo Doneval- from Melisande, wants to start a slave trade after the road is built, tall, middle age, pale blonde, tan skin,<br/>*Leighfer Baringale- Doneval's xwife, friends with the former queen of Melisande, they yielded to the king other country's got beheaded, tall, elegant, 30, dark hair, <br/>*4 masked men nobility- one dark haired youth, handsome, sapphire eyes tried to dance with Celanea <br/>*Sorscha- Healer, Chestnut hair, young, tan skin, Hazel eyes, long limb dancer like,<br/>*Lady Marion- Aelin's mothers handmaid and friend,<br/>*Lord Cal- Maions husband,<br/>*Elide- Marion daughter, black hair, onyx eyes, has witch blood, Lady Perranth, cinnamon and elderberry scent,<br/>*Finnula- Elides nurse <br/>*Nesryn Faliq- Female 22, guard, slender, young, shoulder length dark hair, tan, scar hands, dark eyes lined with kohl,<br/>*Lord of Meah- Roland Havilliard's father<br/><br/><br/>Royals:<br/>*King of Adarlan- Killed most of his people and people with magic<br/>*Queen Georgina- wrinkled, beautiful, auburn hair silver streaks, <br/>*Dorian Havilliard- water colored eyes, raven black hair, 20<br/>*Hollin- Dorian's 10 year old brother, spoiled, rotund, sharp eyes, ebony curls,<br/>*Chaol Westfall- tall, Captain of the gaurd, sword with an eagle mid flight, close cropped chestnut hair, <br/>*Terrin- Chaol's brother,<br/>*Philippa Spindlehead- Celaena's personal servant,<br/>*Lady Kaltain Rompier- after Dorain, raven black hair, <br/>*Theory Brullo- weapons master, older, master for 30 years,<br/>*Ress- 19, gaurd, <br/>*Princess Nehemiah Ytger- of Eyllwe, stunning, long, lean, creamy brown skin, thin circlet, helped rebels, <br/>*Gaven- First King of Adarlan, sapphire eyes, shoulder length dark brown hair, angular face, tall<br/>*Elena- first queen, half fae, Princess of Terrasen, Brannon's daughter,<br/>*Lord Roland Havilliard- Young, pale, Dorian's cousin, blonde, oily smile *King Orlon- of Terrasen, Arderlan targeted him first,<br/>*Brannon- sandels, red gold hair, brandy colored eyes, Elena's father,<br/><br/>Champions:<br/>*Cain- Sponsored by the duke, huge, tanned, obsidian eyes, solider of kings army, from white fang mountain,<br/>*Xavier Forul- tall, slender, thinning blonde, master theif of Melisande,<br/>*Nox Owen- Moderately handsome, Grey eyes, tall, lean, balanced weight on left, young, thief from Perranth, dark hair, minister Joval's champion, messenger for Darrow in the war,<br/>*Bill Chastian- eye eater, plain, mousy brown hair, tan skin, average height, scarred mouth, murder <br/>*Ned Clement- murder, Scythed temple priestess, nickname Scythe, <br/>*Grave- slight, short, wicked face, brown teeth,<br/><br/>To be assassinated:<br/>*Nirall- 35,<br/>*Archer Finn- sought after courtesan, Celanea knew him since she was little, golden brown hair, gorgeous, golden skin, green eyes, masculine,<br/>*Sir Carlin- kind, <br/><br/>Wendlyn:<br/>*Galan Ashryver- dark hair, olive skin, her blue eyes, Prince,<br/>*Maeve- Mabs sister, fae, dark hair, black depthless eyes,<br/>*Emrys- brown woolen clothes, old, white hair tied back, half fae,<br/>*Malakai- Emrys mate<br/>*Luca- young male, tawny curls,<br/>*Bas-leader of the fortress scouts<br/>*Ellys- Rowans uncle,<br/>*Essar- broad shoulder, dark hair, commander, fine armor, was involved with Lorcan,<br/>*Dresenda- Essar's sister, delicate beauty,<br/><br/>Witches:<br/>*Manon Blackbeak- silver hair, iron teeth and nails, high witch of Blackbeak clans grandchild, alabaster skin, burnt gold eyes, heir to her grandmother, <br/>*Asterin- Manons second and cousin, golden hair, the firey one,<br/>*Sorrel- Manons third, the steady one,<br/>*Ghislaine- one of the 13, dark skin, black curly hair, sea green eyes, <br/>*Thea and Kaya- part of the thirteen, lover,<br/>*Faline and Fallon- part of the 13, Twins, green eyes,<br/>*Edda- shadow sisters, the eldest, the 13<br/>*Briar-shadow sisters, the 13, black hair,<br/>*Vista- red hair, the 13,<br/>*Iskra- yellowlegs heir,<br/>*Petrah- bluebloods heir, pale freckles skin, golden hair, blue eyes, leather band on head,<br/>*Cresseida- blueblood matron,<br/>*Rhiannon- Manon's half sister she killed without knowing,<br/>*Glennis- crochan coven leader, middle age, white hair, clear blue eyes, Manons great grandmother,<br/>*Bronwen- brown haired crochan, biting tone, Manons cousin,<br/>*Tristan- Manons father, murdered by high witch Blackbeak,<br/>*Karsyn- dark haired, crochan, green eyes, only one who didn't snear at Manon,<br/>*Una- pretty brown haired crochan, Manons cousin,<br/><br/>Aelin's army:<br/>*Aelin Galathynius- lost heir of Terrasen, Mabs Grandchild,<br/>*Aedion Ashryver- Aelin's cousin, Havilliard's general, shoulder length golden hair, blue eyes, legion called the Bane, Rhoe Galathynius acted as his father training him,<br/>*Rowan Whitehorn- prince, fae, tall, broad shoulders, words tattoo left side of harsh face, tanned skin, silver hair, pine green eyes, smells like pine and wind,<br/>*Weylan Darrow- one of the wealthiest land owners, has<br/> a lot of away with other lords, Aelin's uncle Orlon's lover, thin wiry, spine straight, not forgiving, Grey eyes,<br/>*Lord Gunner- Grey, old,<br/>* Lord Sloane- Reed thin, hooked nose, hard face,<br/>*Ren- always wears a dark hood, shoulder length dark hair, twin swords, scar thu brown and cheek, lord of Allsbrook,<br/>*Murtaugh- Acient voice, short cropped white hair, crystal clear Grey eyes,<br/>*Lysandra- courtesan, untitled green eyes, sharp cheek bones, has a child acolyte Evangeline, Celanea grew up together hates her, snake tattoo on wrist,<br/>*Evangeline- with Lysandra, 11, red gold hair, yellow eyes, scars on both cheeks and wrist to get out of being a courtesan,<br/>*Galan Ashryver- Prince of Wendlyn, Turquoise eyes core of gold, olive skin, slightly curled dark hair,<br/>*Sol- blonde brothers, lord of Suria, 20s, clever, blue eyes, aristocratic,<br/>*Ravi- blonde brothers, 20s, brash, blue eyes,<br/>*Killian-<br/>*Elgan- Bane captain, train Aedion on the battle field,<br/>*Enda- Prince Endymion, Rowan's cousin and grew up together about the same age, sliver hair, green eyes speckled brown, tall but not broad shoulder, not built for fighting, married Lord Kerrigan's son,<br/>*Princess Sellene- Rowan's youngest cousin, cunning eyes, braided silver hair,<br/><br/><br/>Erawan's army:<br/>*Erawan- dark lord, gold eyes, dark beauty, golden hair, ivory skin,<br/>*Duke Perrington-orange thinning hair, rust mustache, obsidian eyes, yellow teeth, jagged scar on cheek,<br/>*Vernon Lochan- Elides uncle, tall, lanky, <br/>*Bloodhound- (supple yet lithe, draping auburn hair over her nakedness, cream skin, blood red lips, blue eyes, something slithering under her skin) an illusion human like, white skin, large calf eyes, black stump teeth, nostrils enormous, wings,<br/><br/>Maeve's Army:<br/>*Cairn- Sadist murders innocent, replaced Rowan, handsome, brown hair, blue eyes,<br/>*Gavriel- Golden hair and eye, fae, tall, broad shoulders, mountain cat, Aedions father, steady quite, broad tattooed hands, band of tattoos around neck, <br/>*Vaughan- Osprey, dark eyed,<br/>*Lorcan Salvaterre- fae, 500 years old, black shoulder length hair, onyx eyes, axe,<br/>*Fenrys- twin, white wolf with golden eyes, night dark eyes, bronze skin, golden curled hair at his nape, pain in the ass so his brother is the anchor being used against him,<br/>*Connall- twin, black wolf with golden eyes, dark hair, bronze skin, <br/><br/>Southern continent:<br/>*Urus (khagan meaning king maybe)- King, long white hair, weathered brown skin, cunning smile, 6 children, 60, scars peppered throughout, slender bright onyx eyes, no crown, ringed fingers,<br/>*Hasar-Hair flowing like night, young woman, eyes like dark fire, 3rd born, not a beauty, commanded armadas,<br/>*Sartaq- 2nd born, boots to their knees, commander of ruk riders, broad shoulders, darker than his siblings possibly because all the time in the skies, depthless ebony eyes, chest length black hair unbound except for a braid that curved over his ear,<br/>*Arghun- eldest son, slender, tall, politician, prince of spies they call him,<br/>*Duva- youngest, comely, fine boned, thick silver ring with a huge sapphire, pregnant, married to a dark haired sad eyed prince,<br/>*Kashin- fourth born, tallest, intense, controlled land army, broad face, dark hair braided back, handsome, protective of his father,<br/>*Tumelun- the youngest, sister, dead, 17, <br/>*Orda- Urus brother he had to fight for the throne, killed him after he betrayed Urus,<br/>*Yrene Towers- server turned healer, golden tan skin, brown hair to her slim waist, gold brown eyes, early 20s, faint scar on her throat,<br/>*Hafiza- healer on high, brown eyes, can't read her face, close as Yrene's mother was, brown skin, old, white hair, smile warm like the sun,<br/>*Eretia- Yrene's tutor,<br/>*Rena- Hasar's lover, lovely and sweet, steady waters to Hasar's fire,<br/>*Kadja- Chaol's female servant in the south continent castle,<br/>*Nousha- head librarian, 15 languages,<br/>*Shen- guard who help Chaol on horse,<br/>*Brahim- Nesryn uncle, peppered hair, slim,<br/>*Zahida- Nesryn aunt, full figure,<br/>*Borte- Sartaq's harth sister,<br/>*Fallon Ennar- short brown hair, late forties, merchant, wrinkles around his eyes, tan, dark blue eyes,"
"This book. This series, is heartbreakingly beautiful.<br/><br/>I say this as someone that read this series last out of SJM’s other books.<br/><br/>There was not one damn thing written coincidentally in this series. Everything was so well written.<br/><br/>My heart broke for Aelin and her friends. The range of emotions this story took me through… good god. There were so many heavy moments as well as beautiful ones. All the characters came full circle and grew in their own outstanding way. I can’t say enough good things about this series. I’m so sad I finished it! I want more!<br/><br/>I love ACOTAR and CC, but Throne of Glass takes the cake for me hands down.<br/><br/>The one thing I wish we saw though was more of an ending with Dorian and Manon. I hope we see Dorian again at some point.<br/><br/>Otherwise the ending to this saga was brilliant. I’m in awe. Best fantasy adventure series, hands down. <br/><br/>To whatever end.<br/>"
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