
Topic: TV & Movies

Is the site acting weird for anyone else? The last three movies I rec’d did not post to my profile page and I’m not seeing as much activity as usual.



Iman Yeah. Same. At times when I suggest something it won’t go through and I’ll have to suggest it 3-4 times before it actually goes through.


Max Edge Yes I've experienced this recently too. And I was connected to wifi so I don't think it was a connection issue.


Jojo Yeah, this app is pretty much all over the place when it comes to consistency. For me, sometimes it works just fine, and other times, it's a weird experience for sure. Sometimes, I will post something, and it will glitch out and close the app. Or I will suggest something and my suggestions won't appear. Another thing that I find really weird is that there are many times when I see people's replies to my comments multiple times.


lyzander cross I've also noticed a significant drop in activity the last few days


Jojo I genuinely think that within a couple of years of time, this app won't exist. It will most likely be due to all the stability issues combined with a very small user base. When I first started using this app, however long ago it was. It felt like I was interacting with robots and not actual human beings, but as time went on, interactions became more authentic and frequent. Nowadays, though, it seems like this app is dead most of the time.


Momma Mia🐦‍⬛ I’ve been too busy with projects and summer traveling, and “life in general” to notice (LOL), but I always appreciate your posts and reviews @RobPaulStonerNerd — Hopefully once I get done with all the stuff I want to accomplish this summer, I’ll be more active again later in the summer or this fall/winter. Just wanted to pop in and say, “Hello!” 👋 😁


Rob Paul Have fun!!


Sher Free✌️  I haven’t noticed anything too out of the ordinary lately. This site is far from perfect so it would be really nice if they worked harder (or at all?) on eliminating the kinks. Even with the kinks I hope people don’t give up on it. I think the key to it being successful is engagement and dialogue and the community that evolves from that. Some of the most engaged folks seem to be stepping back or taking a break these days, which we all need to do at times. Hopefully it will come back around. I for one enjoy the community aspect. Most of us are here because of a mutual love for film and media and I don’t know of any other platform where that can be explored and discussed to this level and not least, so respectfully. I’d say hang in there with the glitchiness for now and go with the flow to see where this all goes. Reporting the obvious to support and giving feedback directly to LW when possible can’t hurt. Just my thoughts.


Nona Lisa I agree. I enjoy this site and I hope it gets the tech attention it deserves. I don't want it to become a dead site.


Sher Free✌️  @nona_lisa_69. Same! I’ll probably be last man standing posting reviews to no one and commenting on 10 year old threads 🤣 Also agree about comment notifications or lack thereof. I hate for anyone to think I just dropped out without responding to them!


Nona Lisa My biggest problem is that I don't always get a notification when someone responds to me. I really hate that because I like to acknowledge every response I get.


lyzander cross That is a huge one I really hope they fix that


Road Master As do I. Some kind of timer would be cool too. I'll look at a post I made that I haven't looked at in a month or more, to find that somebody commented or replied to something there. I would like to have some idea of when somebody replied to something. Was it yesterday? Or was it a month ago?


Nona Lisa Yes! Why no dates?!


Momma Mia🐦‍⬛ Okay, weird…. I just came back to your post here to tell you that the last movie that I just reviewed (just now) still has not posted to my profile page. 🤷‍♀️ Verrrry Strange🧐


Rob Paul I’ll be devastated if that goes away.


MeYou0 Yes, I can always tell when @Likewise has made another update cuz something else starts glitching out. My theory is that nobody who works for Likewise actually engages with the app frequently enough to notice any of said glitches in order to fix them. I wish @LikewiseSupport would do their customer surveys and user tests again like they used to. I have participated in a couple in the past and was able to give my feedback on glitches before they allowed advertisements and @pix to dominate the app. It is what it is. I continue to hope they'll take notice and work on the technical issues more often. I mostly use this app to catalogue all the movies and shows I've watched. I'd be devastated if that was all erased from existence someday.


Nona Lisa I also catalog my watching history here. I would be completely depressed if I lost everything I've posted here!


Rhon I notice that when you post a comment, it doesn’t always appear right away, it does eventually. I also notice many people end up multi posting the same comment………….


Road Master I think the drop in interaction is due to lockdown ending. Over the past few years, a lot of people were sitting at home and had plenty of time to be on here and interact. But now, people are back to work and don't have as much time to be on here. I've noticed that interaction seems to pick up in the evenings, when most people are getting home from work. The glitches seem to swap out every few months. Most recently, the app crashes when I post something and I have to reload. Before that, suggestions from other posts would appear elsewhere. (Haven't noticed this lately. Hopefully they fixed it.) Whoever is in charge of that k8nd of stuff could definitely stand to up their game a bit. But, the app is free and they really don't run intrusive ads. So maybe it's a slow money-flow issue.