121 min
A troubled young man is drawn to a mythical place called Midian where a variety of friendly monsters are hiding from humanity. Meanwhile, a sadistic serial killer is looking for a patsy.
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"A film adaptation of the book Cabal by Clive Barker about a man who has dark dream about minters and a graveyard, when he travels to find and understand his dreams a world opens up to him after death! Worth watching as his girlfriend travels to find out what happened to him as she feared the path he was traveling!"
"For me there was something here but overall it falls flat with messy night/day cycles, random events with little to know explanation almost like theres deep lore you need to know before watching which isn’t how you make a compelling movie, and unexplored characters that I’m just supposed root for even with their lack of development. I like the idea of an underground monster society, which in the end are the hero’s but there is little lead up to this revelation and the humans have little to no motivation to kill said monsters and the main villain is lackluster with confusing motives that I didn’t understand the whole movie…but I could of missed all this cause the plot and story are confusing, messy and paper thin. Also if you are a fellow autism haver like me the last battle is overstimulating, long and annoying. I’m disappointed by this movie and really wanted to love it the premise had so much promise. "
"I watched the director’s cut. It’s an utter mess of a movie and would have been better served by a miniseries, but also very cool. Everywhere there are metaphors for gay subculture: threats of police raids and an angry mob of heterosexual truck drivers who could easily fit in with a trump rally, leather + kink, an absurd amount of horniness and flirting, fitting in with a community & what you’re giving up by being ‘out’. The designs are really cool, but i wish i could have dialed the music back."
"Hi! I found a great list of TV/Movies for you on Likewise. Check it out - I think you'll like it!
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"Don’t get me wrong, I love the monsters (all over 200 of them) but it’s just a chaotic mess of a movie."
Mayavan Sharp
"Nightbreed is a dark fantasy horror film based on Clive Barker's novel Cabal. The story follows Aaron Boone, a troubled young man plagued by recurring nightmares of a mysterious city called Midian, inhabited by grotesque yet fascinating creatures. Boone seeks therapy from Dr. Philip K. Decker, a respected psychiatrist, unaware that Decker is a sadistic serial killer who manipulates him into believing he is responsible for Decker’s murders.
Desperate for answers, Boone is drawn to Midian, a hidden necropolis beneath a remote cemetery. There, he discovers the Nightbreed, a diverse society of monstrous yet misunderstood beings who live apart from humanity. These creatures, persecuted for centuries, welcome Boone after realizing he may be part of an ancient prophecy that foretells their salvation.
However, Decker, obsessed with destroying the Nightbreed, manipulates the authorities into launching a brutal assault on Midian. As Boone embraces his true identity and the supernatural powers he gains as one of the Nightbreed, he becomes their reluctant leader, fighting to protect their sanctuary and ensure their survival against overwhelming odds.
With its unique blend of horror, fantasy, and themes of persecution and identity, Nightbreed offers a poignant exploration of what it means to be "other" in a world driven by fear and prejudice. The film is a visually striking, emotionally resonant cult classic with Clive Barker's signature blend of grotesque beauty and dark imagination."
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