Austin BrothA tale of two halves. The first half is happy and fun. The 2nd is one of the sadder movies I’ve seen in a long time. Very well done. Acting is all great. What really makes this movie shine (and so sad) is the genuine relationship of the brothers. Both from an acting standpoint and a writing/characterization standpoint. It’s what makes this film stick with you, especially if you’re a brother. I’m not a wrestling fan, so that aspect of the film didn’t resonate with me. 84/100
Austin BrothAwesome movie. The acting, the characters, the story were all great. An easy, fun watch. Really enjoyed it. 89/100
Austin BrothGood film that is well acted and tells one of the more overlooked, improbable stories we have in sports/society. Even though I don’t fancy myself a huge Serena fan, this film reiterates just how incredible their story is. The film does choose to hide the dark side of Richard, which is understandable but plays a role in the films impact. 75/100