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Susannais looking for a Book

Books to help with anxiety.

12 Suggestions

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Elysha profile photo

Suggested byPix and upvoted by 3 others

The Body Keeps the Score image

The Body Keeps the Score

by Bessel A. Van der Kolk

Liked by 23.3K

Suggested byawesome_user_584639 and upvoted by 1 other

NKJV, The NKJV Study Bible image

NKJV, The NKJV Study Bible

by Thomas Nelson

Liked by 9

Katie profile photo

Suggested byKatie

Love for Imperfect Things image

Love for Imperfect Things

by Haemin Sunim

Liked by 74

Astra profile photo

Suggested byAstra Naughty

The Four Agreements image

The Four Agreements

by Don Miguel Ruiz

Liked by 43.5K

Astra profile photo

Suggested byAstra Naughty

The Places That Scare You image

The Places That Scare You

by Pema Chödrön

Liked by 65

Astra profile photo

Suggested byAstra Naughty

The Book of Joy image

The Book of Joy

by Dalai Lama

Liked by 583

Astra profile photo

Suggested byAstra Naughty

The Book image

The Book

by Alan Watts

Liked by 198

E profile photo

Suggested byE Hinkes

The Nobleman's Guide to Scandal and Shipwrecks image

The Nobleman's Guide to Scandal and Shipwrecks

by Mackenzi Lee

Liked by 230

E profile photo

E HinkesThis book is fiction, but the man character has severe anxiety and there is an author's note about it at the end.

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Maxine profile photo

Suggested byMaxine D

The Comfort Book image

The Comfort Book

by Matt Haig

Liked by 366

Full Catastrophe Living (Revised Edition) image

Full Catastrophe Living (Revised Edition)

by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Liked by 34

Pix profile photo

Suggested byPix

Bittersweet (Oprah's Book Club) image

Bittersweet (Oprah's Book Club)

by Susan Cain

Liked by 384

Pix profile photo

Suggested byPix

Obsessive, Intrusive, Magical Thinking image

Obsessive, Intrusive, Magical Thinking

by Marianne Eloise

Liked by 346