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Coltis looking for a Book

Looking for books that've helped you heal from shame

5 Suggestions

Suggested byPix and upvoted by 1 other

The Gifts of Imperfection image

The Gifts of Imperfection

by Brené Brown

Liked by 2.4K

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Colt profile photo

Suggested byPix and upvoted by 1 other

Daring Greatly image

Daring Greatly

by Brené Brown

Liked by 9.5K

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Colt profile photo

Suggested byPix and upvoted by 1 other

Self-Compassion image


by Dr. Kristin Neff

Liked by 170

What's So Amazing About Grace? image

What's So Amazing About Grace?

by Philip Yancey

Liked by 30

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Radical Acceptance image

Radical Acceptance

by Tara Brach

Liked by 271

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