MollieI had high hopes for this book I was so excited to read it after the wicked kings cliff hanger. I loved the development of the story I felt like the story dragged out a little bit for me but it was really good. I was really hoping there was going to be a good ending and that it would all work out in the end and it did making me happy. I felt all the emotions reading this book, at some point I was almost crying when devastation struck and my heart was empty until it all worked out but this book had me in my feels, I always wanted to know what would happen next.
MollieI rate this book a 4.5 stars it wasn’t quite a five star book for me but it was really good. I liked the light heartedness of the book and the happy ending. I loved the best friends to lovers aspect I haven’t real a whole lot of those types of books but I really enjoyed this one. I just love Juliana smiths writing style everything is written right to the point and flows together. I loved the development of the characters and story, it kept me on the edge of my seat trying to guess what was going to happen in this relationship next and I really liked that part to.
MollieI rate The Notebook a 3.75/5 stars. I liked it I think it was a very real book and the topic of Noah and Allie trying to live through her Alzheimer’s truely pulls at your heart strings but it so pure the kind of love they have in this book and I really enjoyed it. It just wasn’t a 4 star read for me the ending left me kind of confused because I wasn’t sure how their story ended but it was a good ending. At the beginning I was a little confused to because of the different time lines and characters thoughts shifting but once I figured it out the book was easier to follow.
MollieI’m giving this book a 3.75 it had a good ending and the plot was good I was just a little sad when the main characters had a falling out and it made my heart ache for them but I loved everything else about this book it did take me a while because this book was more like a in between books read so I wasn’t reading it as much and consistently but it was good. I liked the characters and their development I think it was good and the way the book was written. I just felt it was kind of a heavy book for me at times.
MollieI loved this book there were so many times in this book where I was shocked, happy, sad and in my feels which is what the best books give you. I loved the ending and the relationships that worked out in this book they were so good. I loved the way parts of this story unfolded I think they flowed really nicely with all the information you already know and I think it was written so well to. SJM has done it again!
MollieThis book was a 5 star book for me because I felt all the emotions I felt, scared, sad, happy, surprised the whole shebang. I also loved how this book was kind of like a mystery intertwined with the romance and the way it unfolds throughout the story is just so good. I loved the characters it was easy to fall in love with them. I loved the plot development and the order the events were in I felt this books writing style was easy to read and follow along with which I liked and I really just liked all aspects of this book.
MollieAfter reading the Spanish Love Deception I was so excited for this book. In this book you follow Lina’s (The Spanish Love Deception) best friend Rosie as she goes on experimental dates with Lina’s cousin Lucas. It’s such a sweet romance and you have all the emotions made for a romance book you have the happy, cheesy, funny, and sad feelings while reading this book which adds so much depth to it. I loved the way the characters are presented in this book and the way they interact is so cute and adds so much to the story. I also really liked the story line and the circumstance the books written in I think it makes the book so much better.
MollieI give this book 4 stars because it reminded me of Michelle Heards the sinner series which I ate up I finished some of those books in one day. I finished this book in 2. I liked it for the most part I didn’t love some of the parts of the story and found them a little different from the traditional romance I usually read, but it’s because it’s a different style of romance. I did love the he would do anything for her aspect and that she was such happy MFC I think it added the right amount of light to the story. And I think that Ana Huang wrote this book so clearly I always was wanting to know what was going to happen on the next page. There were some big and small plot twists that I did not see coming but, felt like added to the story really well and I overall enjoyed this book.
MollieI rate this book a 3.75/5 ⭐️. I think I was in a mini slump while reading this book because it took me longer to finish it then usual. I had never read one of Laurie’s books before and wanted to read one so, I picked up thh Impossible Knife of Memory and I did like it. I liked the moral of the story it really brought light to how traumatic it can be to be a vet and how it can effect your family making me appreciate their service even more. I liked that this was a different kind of book then I usually read, that’s why I only gave it 3.75 stars because it was different but I really did enjoy it. I liked the short chapters and the way the story builds the ending had me on the edge of my chair and I was anticipating that whole time. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes book that talk about real world topics and issues, and anyone who wants to try a new kind of book.