Shatter Me
Books | Young Adult Fiction / Dystopian
Tahereh Mafi
The gripping first installment in global bestselling author Tahereh Mafi’s epic, romantic Shatter Me series.One touch is all it takes. One touch, and Juliette Ferrars can leave a fully grown man gasping for air. One touch, and she can kill.No one knows why Juliette has such incredible power. It feels like a curse, a burden that one person alone could never bear. But The Reestablishment sees it as a gift, sees her as an opportunity. An opportunity for a deadly weapon.Juliette has never fought for herself before. But when she’s reunited with the one person who ever cared about her, she finds a strength she never knew she had.Includes a special sneak peek of This Woven Kingdom, the first book in Tahereh Mafi’s bestselling fantasy series inspired by Persian folklore!And don't miss Watch Me, the first book in a new series in the Shatter Me universe set ten years after the fall of The Reestablishment, on sale in April 2025!
Science Fiction
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Tahereh Mafi
Harper Collins
Published Date
0062085514 9780062085511
Google: 4.5
Community ReviewsSee all
"At first I was hesitant that this book would be able to grasp my attention I Listened to this book on audio and it has the same voice as another series I read so unfortunately I was disappointed it may be a little immature for my taste however I couldn’t put it down and was so excited how many books there are I truly enjoyed this series! Throughout out the whole series I kept having to guess what was going to happen next because every turn something unexpected happens highly recommend this book!"
"*WARNING THIS REVIEW WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS* Well, my anticipation for this book has been met. I've been wanting to read this one for about 2-3 years and now that I've read in 2 days, I'm hooked. I honestly didn't know what to expect with this series, I've made it my mission to avoid any and all spoilers or character art, etc., before reading this book series. The only person I knew from this series was Aaron Warner(he was highly unavoidable). I thought it was fantasy turns out its dystopian instead. Which isn't really a preferred genre of mine but I enjoyed nonetheless. Finding out the little clues with her story was something I kind of had to work for. I definitely loved the authors note beforehand to let us know that everything is intentional, it helped me with reading it lol. I sometimes thought I was reading the same sentence over and over again lol. Adam seemed a little suspicious to me in the beginning to be honest. I don't know what it is, but something about him rubbed me the wrong way(it still kind of does). Warner seemed lonely and just needed someone on his side, maybe he had plans to overtake his father something🤷♀️. He seemed waaay too in love with Juliette waaayy to fast. And she fell in love with Adam a bit too quickly too. I guess everyone was working for other people with other people, right Kenji? He was an okay character to me. I don't like the fact that there was a whole other "government" type thing right under the Reestablishment's nose. It feels a bit too weird for me. Will I be reading the next book(s)? Yes! Yes I will!"
"I understand why people like this, but the main character was way too wimpy for me and she ends up with the wrong guy."
ℋ �
ℋ𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶𝒽 𝒥
"I totally understand the love it or hate it mentality towards this one. Back when it came out and I was 14, I would have devoured this book. Today? I think it is a very clear product of the dystopia craze. The world building was nonexistent (but I noticed there are 10 or so books now so I assume those fix that up). This is a teen romance first, with a dystopian apocalypse back ground to give it flavor. I think it was supposed to be a love triangle? Then there is the writing. I thought it was kinda fun. Could it have been edited down to create a WAY shorter and clear story? Yeah but then I think you would be missing what made this book feel like a teenage girls journal (or at least feel like my embarrassing teenage diary). I read part of the physical book but I actually preferred the audiobook in this case. The narrator sounds like a child but well Juliette is a child so... The ending is actually embarrassing. I'm cringing thinking about her vintage Catwoman costume. Am I gonna read the next one? Sure, it was interesting enough"
"No ! Just big fat NO for me ! "
LeeLoo Dallas
"This YA was so refreshing after reading Mistborn haha! It was light and I’m curious about the premise of this series! It started getting so good right at the end!"
Gabby Lucas
"I’m going to give this 3 stars because I really don’t know how to feel about this book. My main issue is the lack of world building. I was feeling like I was reading a second book. But it’s supposed to be explained in the second book so I guess I’ll see .. but otherwise, loved the caracters. Loved the action. "
Leticia Cormier
"Coming back to rate. This gets one star for the series overall, not necessarily this singular book. To go into a full rant about why I violently hated this series (and yes I read all books and the novellas) would take more characters than Likewise will allow. Just trust me this is a dumpster fire of astonishingly bad plot, poor world building and silly teenage angst. The last three books undid all of the character growth. In summary avoid at all costs! "
"Wishing I had read a physical copy of this book and not listened to the audiobook. Something about the voice actors tone was like nails on a chalkboard to me. I definitely won’t be continuing this series via audiobook. I had no idea what this was about when I started it, so it was a pleasant surprise to find a dystopian world with a Rogue like superhuman main character. At times it felt slow paced but I am going to continue the series and see how this plays out. "
"I’ve only ever heard good reviews of this book and I was severely disappointed. The characters were boring and the story was a little weak. I really wanted to love this book but I just didn’t. Maybe the other books in the series will get better but so far I’m not loving it. "
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