Infinity Chamber
Science Fiction
103 min
A man trapped in an automated prison must outsmart a computer in order to escape and try and find his way back to the outside world that may already be wiped out.
Christopher Soren Kelly
Cassandra Clark
Cajardo Lindsey
Jesse D. Arrow
Chuck Klein
Brandon Loomis
Garrett Behnke
Science Fiction
Community ReviewsSee all
"This is a fantastic film. As the viewer, we also go on an emotional rollercoaster along with the person locked in this room with an A.I. We have the same questions. What happens next? The script is intelligent, and keeps us engaged even though we only see one space for most of the time. I am impressed at the acting, and I never got bored."
"This movie is amazing, although for most of it I wondered if it would just end up being an allegory or even a futuristic horror concoction --but no, #happyending lovers like me can rejoice, it doesn't end on a dark note! Another reviewer mentions they felt like they were on an emotional rollercoaster--I would say it's more of a Tilt-a-Whirl, where you're mostly trying to figure out where you are in space, when the movie then suddenly inputs some key information that gives you a new perspective and/or emotion. All those components add together until you reach the end. The ending is well acted, so it's not completely predictable--it is a common futuristic romance trope though. #science_fiction #thriller #suspense #ai #prisonbreak #triggerwarning (#suicide_attempt ) #emotional #man_versus_machine"
"I loved this. I had no idea what it was when I chose it, and actually mistook it for anoter movie. I had no idea of the emotional roller-coaster ride I was in for. Such a beautiful bond between a man and a computer program. Loved it. "
Katie Wilson
"Very interesting. Very well made imo. Great story, very of our times in 2024. Brilliant camera work, design, and use of colors. Possibly a bit slow, and a bit long, but I do not know if it would have been better shorter. Brainy, with one or two central ideas and little else, but nothing in it is unnecessary. Not for everyone, but those who like it, will possibly like it a lot."
Simon Rivest
"Fantastic and surprising ending!
It is like being on the phone with your bank’s automated support system was made into a dramatic movie. "
Alex J
"I was Completely engrossed in the story and the way it is told, first movie in a long that I have watched from start to finish without pausing or being on my phone. Christopher Soren Kelly was phenomenal, if you like suspense, mystery with an air of sci fi, give this a watch! #science_fiction #suspense #storytelling "
James Morales