Supreme@chelseawrightreads I think Rick and Morty is a good show if you like adult cartoons. In particular, the first three seasons have a certain story continuity but the last two switch to a freestyle format. If you're looking for something deep, this show occasionally goes there but it's just wild entertainment at it's core. This show excels with its characters, comedy, and occasionally deep subplots.
SupremeForewarning, you may have to watch this film multiple times to understand what is going on. As with most movies where time travel is the premise, it won't truly make sense until you watch it again. However, I promise you that Donnie Darko is one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made. There's too much here to unpack, just watch it. You're doing yourself a disservice. For more understanding, you might want to pick up the Director's Cut version. The included pages of Roberta Sparrow's "The Philosophy of Time Travel" were not included in the theatrical release and are essential to understanding what is happening. Also, you're welcome, for the new memes I just gave you. If you actually understand what this movie is about, give this a like.
SupremeScott Pilgrim one of my favorite graphic novels. I think the movie does it justice. The musical influences, the vibe of all the characters, everything is almost perfect. Some details are changed from the novel, but for the benefit of the film. A lot is not explained, but I don't think it could've been done in a format that entertained audiences this well. Also, Scott is a womanizer in the comic as well. This is not exclusive to the movie 😂
SupremeRequiem for a Dream is definitely one of the greatest films ever made. This film doesn't lack in a single area. Requiem is a thought-provoking film that explores the human psychological condition and the premise of addiction. If you're not paying attention you'll miss a lot of detail, as this movie is big on visual storytelling. This is one of those films you can rewatch and it hits you just as hard every time. A very powerful film not for the easily perturbed.
SupremeNGE is my favorite piece of media of all time. It can be a tough watch for some people because the story is about humanity. I don't mean as subject matter, I mean in our totality. It breaks that down into all the pieces necessary that make us individuals. This series will take you places. It will make you feel isolation, depression, and loneliness. It will do all of this to you in 24 episodes with amazing characters, two minute elevator scenes, and ****** budgets. Please watch this now.
SupremeGood sci-fi is hard to find. Congratulations, you just hit the jackpot. If you ever wondered why the computers we use today don't work without human input, here you go, watch this. Incredible movie with incredible performances and great cinematography. Beautiful, engrossing, and haunting. Bravo.
SupremeThe Butterfly Effect is in my Top 10 movies just for sheer effort. The concept itself and the topics being discussed here and definitely worth the watch. Feel how you will about science fiction, but this movie nails everything on a small budget. The cast, writing, and characters are top notch. The movie has a little bit of everything due to the premise, but it teaches an important lesson about letting go.
SupremeOldboy is a movie that at it's core is dark and deeply unsettling. However, the ride and what is achieved at the end is phenomenal. Korean cinema is definitely not afraid to "go there" and without spoiling anything, this movie will leave your jaw on the floor. If you don't learn something from this film, watch it again.