Katelyn HarrellI read this in 7th grade and absolutely loved it. I can’t even describe why, but just the feelings from the characters and the ways in which their described, makes me feel like I was there. I’ll never forget the feeling of reading it for the first time and wishing I could just read it over again so I could experience it.
Katelyn HarrellThis book made me cry so freaking much but also laugh a lot just because of the layout. I used to live inGeirgia and i moved right after i read this and the part about waffle house just hit me lol. I love his books because they’re easy to read, but add so much emotion and so much impact.
Paige LiDefinitely adding this to my reading list. Thank you!
Katelyn Harrellthis book made me cry, like all of his books. It’s so good and makes you think. Every part of this book feels real. With evrry character I see where they’re coming from. With every page im desperate for the next.
Katelyn HarrellThis book is chilling, but so well written. The matter at hand is delicately handled. I felt so immersed in the story and like i was there with the characters. I love Adam’s books so much.
Katelyn HarrellLove the many different stories, but with the same feel. It was so immersive and i felt like i was hanging on every word.
Katelyn HarrellThis is the first book I really got attached to. I read it 5 times in fourth grade and the first night i stayed up until 1 am on a school night to read it. I haven’t read it in awhile but it still has such a soft spot in my heart.