The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker
87 min
This shocking documentary chronicles a happy-go-lucky nomad's ascent to viral stardom and the steep downward spiral that resulted in his imprisonment.
Caleb Lawrence McGillvary
Jessob Reisbeck
Terry Woods
Brad Mulcahy
Lisa Samsky
Alex Aguirre
Jeff Stricker
Community ReviewsSee all
"This documentary is a testimonial to how shallow people in Hollywood are, not to mention our society as a whole. Hollywood sharks just looking to sink their teeth into who they believe could be the next big thing. It was blatantly obvious from the first interview that this guy wasn't all there. And as the story continues, even more proof that he could never thrive in a civilized society. Truly a ticking time bomb with a troubled past. I was relieved that they made this only one episode, but it could have been even shorter. I give it a 6/10."
"“If your going to glorify someone then you better know who your glorifying.”
Just a new Netflix documentary to show how dumb and shallow society is these days. I’m just glad i never paid any attention to this guy like when he was so called “popular.” Hollywood literally tried to give a murder his own tv show and didn’t even know it. A literal bum off the street became a viral sensation for hitting somebody over the head with a hatchet. How is it nobody seemed to find anything wrong with that picture. Can you possibly get any dummer?There are a few other reasons why he was overlooked but I’m not even going to get into all that. America will literally try to profit off anything. I swear the reporter in this documentary was the worse of them all because he is still blinded to this day."

𝑹𝒊𝒄𝒐 𝑺𝒐𝒑𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒐 ✪
"*spoilers ahead* Bizarre guy. I 100% believe he was abus3d in his childhood as his cousin corroborated his story. He claims to have been r4p3d multiple times and I truly want to believe him but I guess we will never know. He needed help and a lot of this could've been avoided. Went from funny to serious. Pretty well done if you ask me "
"I thought this was an interesting story. I hadn’t heard of the case before. As much as this shows the dark side of the hitchhiker, it highlights how dark our society has been for glorifying his behavior - taking a hatchet to someone - before learning of his crime. It’s a good reminder that we shouldn’t glorify our fellow man. We NEVER know the full picture. "
"This is really good. I love documentaries. It’s just so crazy to me the things that people do. This is so worth watching. It’s really interesting. "
Sharon Hedden