Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
95 min
After the insane General Jack D. Ripper initiates a nuclear strike on the Soviet Union, a war room full of politicians, generals and a Russian diplomat all frantically try to stop the nuclear strike.
Peter Sellers
George C. Scott
Sterling Hayden
Keenan Wynn
Slim Pickens
Peter Bull
James Earl Jones
Dark Comedy
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"How long can error-prone humans be in control of weapons that leave no room for error? Thematically this movie is about people battling their primordial human desires — an idea explored across all of Kubrick's filmography. Nearly 60 years after the release of the film, the humor still resonates. Kubrick's decision to turn this movie into a black comedy rather than a political thriller allows the absurd, paradoxical nature of nuclear war to shine through."
"+ Kubrick and crew managed to take a very scary subject at a very scary time and made one of the funniest slapstick satires ever, loaded with phallic imagery, ironic humor, and featuring hilarious performances from George C. Scott, Sterling Hayden, and Peter Sellers in three different roles. Funniest of all antidotes is that Slim Pickens, the pilot who flies the bomber carrying the nuclear warhead, didn't know that he was acting in a black comedy. The mixture of his over-the-top performance and the silly tone of the movie just adds to the hilarity. This also stands out as being Stanley Kubrick's only comedy, and maybe a work of art as well loved as 2001: A Space Odyssey. In terms of comedic cinema, it doesn't get much better than this
- I'm inclined to agree with those who think we didn't need that extra scene at the end in the war room. The movie would have made a much stronger statement if we went from Slim Pickens's last ride and then cut to the direct aftermath. Small critique to an otherwise great comedy.
Overall: Great black comedy featuring a grim subject of potential Nuclear Holocaust, with hilarious slapstick performances and sharp commentary on human nature and an ironic viewpoint of our defense systems and how they become too complex for our own good. The ending has some unnecessary excess, but otherwise this is a near-flawless comedy."
"(no spoilers!)
Dr. Strangelove is a funny, satire, controversial black-and-white movie that’ll probably be engraved for the rest of my life,
first of all, let me say that I LOVE it when movies just have scenes that go on for more than 20+ seconds without having a single cut in them. I like it because it actually feels like you’re just watching the characters talk normally- like you’re with them or something.
I really enjoyed the scenes where President Muffley was talking to Dimitri, I only wish we had like 3 seconds of Dimitri screentime LOL
I also liked how just like half of the characters are written in the most political-comedic way. Buck Turgidson is actually me- the way I talk, I suppose, maybe not his ideas and all
When George Scott fell, I actually realised that it was an accident, but props to him for handling it so well ahaha!! the way he just got up like it was nothing and continued his lines just kinda got me off guard
I know this movie probably was making my brain function a little too hard for my own good (Cold War isn’t really my best subject), but I actually enjoyed it, and it’s probably one of my favorites now (also this movie being a satire about the Cold War was definitely a fresh idea at the time, i know it! so props to kubrick cause like, i couldn’t do that.)"