Katherineafter Shatter Me, my expectations weren’t super high— and they were right, too. I love the writing style but eventually it gets a bit boring (my personal opinion). I will finish the series at some point haha
Katherinethis was a recommendation that I decided to read— and the person that told me to was definitely right!! it’s such a dark and twisted book, but that’s what makes me love it. I am obsessed.
Katherineok I feel so dumb for not reading this sooner… I’ve always heard the rumors of Aaron Warner— but why am I not liking him as much as I’d hoped? maybe I’ll change my mind in Unravel Me haha
Katherineanother CoHo novel I fell in love with— such a heart wrenching read. if you like fairly simple books and a good telling of what comes after the happily ever after, I definitely would recommend this one! CoHo’s books are always a quick read for me bc of the simplicity, but I like making up my own background details haha. I for one don’t think that she gets enough love.