Nichol JonesI don’t know what I expected but this wasn’t it…it had several flaws. For starters it’s full of typos (I read the kindle version). Typos don’t usually bother me much but this was just a lot. Also the plot is all over the place and has quite a few holes . The characters are highly unlikeable and, without giving spoilers, there is a part that actually contradicts itself without explanation. Overall it did entertain me quite a bit though so I’m still giving 3 stars
Nichol JonesOverall I found this book to be very good. It sucks you in immediately and never really lets you go. I’m not sure if a certain part was supposed to be a twist or not but if it was, I did see that coming pretty much from the beginning. But perhaps you’re supposed to?
Nichol JonesHonestly, I’m not sure what I expected but it wasn’t this. I’m slightly disappointed
Nichol JonesI have mixed feelings about this book and I’m honestly not sure what to think. There were parts of this book that were soooo good and I had trouble putting it down. But then there are other parts that are very long and boring. Also it has one of my least favorite types of endings so….i just don’t know…