Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Action & Adventure
25 min
Japan has been invaded and conquered by the Britannian Empire. Japan is now known as Area 11 and its citizens known as Elevens. The Britannian Empire takes away Japan's autonomous power and imposes its rule through the use of Knightmares. The Empire's rule has never faltered, but cracks have begun to show...
Jun Fukuyama
Takahiro Sakurai
Ami Koshimizu
Action & Adventure
Science Fiction
Adult Cartoon
Community ReviewsSee all
"Taking place in a world where the nation of Britannia is located in North America, this nation has been working to take control of other countries and turning they citizens of the countries into a number. In Japan a exiled royal thought dead, comes upon a woman who can grant him the his wish with the power of the King! Worth watching as it is a dark take on what a person would do to create a world the want."
"Beyond phenomenal. There's not a detail out of place and I'm being serious.
The thing about this show is it survives a first time viewing and further scrutiny that comes later after you've finished it. Truly, just as Lelouch thinks everything through, so did the author. That's not to say it has no mistakes or things you can nitpick but it truly wraps things up well while still fleshing out a whole new world, superpowers, mechanical knightmares, and more.
There are also a crud ton of different characters out there, each with their own purpose. It's also so much fun to see how certain minor people end up playing out. Ones you wrote off yourself later becoming the ones you root for to find their happily ever after, or just be astounded they're still alive and helping the plot progress at all. So many of them end up being people and having their lives play out or just wind up staying the same with no progression and it makes sense Truly there's one of everything for this anime and it knows it too.
Also, it's emotional. Multiple times you are going to want to cry and it's for good reasons, whether it be the hard reality of war or of making an anime unlike any other, there will be plenty near tears moment.
Basically, it's a what if the war of independence never happened kind of spin off. Which in turn means no world wars and so much more (you dont notice rhis right away, but once you do, you see the connections everywhere). Instead, Britannia is the ultimate powerhouse. They own the world basically, and our main character is determined to stop them by any means necessary. Think if Death Note had a determined main character but uses his smarts for warfare, not killing.
What this show managed to accomplish is outstanding. I honestly have no idea how the author pulled it off. It's intricate, deep, and so satisfying. It is one of the few fulfilling animes out there. Do I still want more, always. But is it finished? Yes. Was it great? Beyond. "
"It is such an intricate and well told story, also it’s visually appealing that makes me happy when I look at it "
Issiah Harris