The Shining
Books | Fiction / Horror
Stephen King
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • ONE OF TIME'S 100 BEST MYSTERY AND THRILLER BOOKS OF ALL TIME • In this masterpiece of modern American horror that inspired Stanley Kubrick’s classic film, Jack Torrance takes a job as the caretaker of the remote Overlook Hotel. As the brutal winter sets in, the hotel’s dark secrets begin to unravel. “An undisputed master of suspense and terror.” —The Washington PostJack Torrance’s new job at the Overlook Hotel is the perfect chance for a fresh start. As the off-season caretaker at the atmospheric old hotel, he’ll have plenty of time to spend reconnecting with his family and working on his writing. But as the harsh winter weather sets in, the idyllic location feels ever more remote . . . and more sinister. And the only one to notice the strange and terrible forces gathering around the Overlook is Danny Torrance, a uniquely gifted five-year-old.
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Stephen King
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Published Date
0385528868 9780385528863
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Community ReviewsSee all
"It was good"
Elizabeth Sanders
"i vaguely remember reading this one back in college, and mostly i remember hedge animals and a lot of drinking. i decided to try it again since i love the movie so much and i had an interesting conversation with @nona_lisa about it.
aaaand i hate it. i really, really struggled to finish this one. every time i had to read about some homophobic, racist, misogynist, abuser crap i wanted to throw it at the wall. only i couldn't, since the book was on my phone. why do people like this? there's so much repetition and random word-association it felt like reading coked-up faulkner with extra racism.
jack is the WORST, and i hated spending any time in his head. he talks about trying to control his temper, but never does anything about it. does he go to therapy? no. does he go to AA meetings and get a sponsor? no. does he do yoga, exercise, meditate? no. he just explodes. over and over again. i realize this was the 1970s, but C'MON. his denial of responsibility for his actions made him feel even more poisonous than the film, where he's aloof enough to keep his emotional distance. i also realize jack is the villain here, but the film felt more honest about it. i also feel guilty for finding wendy more annoying in the book than in the movie, and i hated how much delight the book seemed to take in violently hurting her and leering at her attractiveness.
the hedge animals were really silly. sorry to people who like them! i like the maze more, since it demonstrates danny's intelligence without having to tell us he's smart.
things i did like: halloran lives. i liked that woman he talks to on the plane. his speech to danny about how what the world ought to be like rarely matches up with reality, and we have to learn to deal with that reality, is so, so good. also, he reassures danny that crying is not bad. i really appreciated that emotional healthiness. and i guess it covers addiction fairly well.
but all in all, it felt like a more meandering version of 'burnt offerings'."
"Somehow this is my first Steven king novel. I started it expecting to find him overrated, and maybe he is, but also I was so pulled in and loved it. The offering of so much backstory and internal thoughts/workings of the characters is stuff that I absolutely love. While I’m sure there’s a way he could be more concise, he really does offer SO MUCH content to the reader and makes it so that you’re invested in the characters and it’s really hard to miss the themes of the book, also. Far better than the movie, if you ask me!"
"Stephen King definitely is the King (pun intended) of the horror genre. He writes suspense in such a masterful way your begging for a climax by the time it finally comes. He uses tools like foreshadowing and suspense with ease and creates characters you feel connected to and who feel like themselves. This book is really good, it’s long, but the slow path to insanity is worth it in my opinion. It needs to be this long to slowly let the reader trundle down the Overlook Hotel taking over. The supernatural parts of the book don’t feel fake and the ending is insane! Solid solid book. 26/30 "
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