Horton Hears a Who!
86 min
The classic and beloved story from Dr. Seuss is now a CG animated film from 20th Century Fox Animation, the makers of the Ice Age films. An imaginative elephant named Horton (Jim Carrey) hears a faint cry for help coming from a tiny speck of dust floating through the air. Horton suspects there may be life on that speck and despite a surrounding community, which thinks he has lost his mind, he is determined to save the tiny particle! Jim Carrey and Steve Carell lead an all-star cast in bringing this wonderful family picture to life!
Jim Carrey
Steve Carell
Carol Burnett
Will Arnett
Seth Rogen
Dan Fogler
Isla Fisher
Community ReviewsSee all
"This was ok"
Elizabeth Sanders
"Well, that is truly a Dr. Suess book come to life.
What I mean by that is the story is expanded past the small picture book that it's based off of. It's Suessical elements remain throughout the story. However, there is a problem with that. The story isn't expanded in a way that actually fits the over hour long movie. It instead is still the original book, but some scenes are extended & sometimes pure nonsense is thrown in. You can tell they tried to expand the world, but they didn't have the correct execution to pull it off. It's still fun to watch & you'll get more enjoyment out of it if you don't know the story of Horton hears a who.
Now for the animation. Blue Sky might not have Dreamworks skills or Disney's majesty but they make moments fun and pleasantly surprise you with all the intricate details many of their scenes have. Whether it's this movies observatory or Robots transportation system, you can tell Blue Sky's creativity makes it stand out.
Jim Carrey plays Horton. He does it well. But there are some issues. It's not that he's miscast it's just that Jim Carrey often overpowers the role. They do truly make Horton the elephant a Jim Carrey Horton the elephant, which contradicts the character sometimes. Only because Horton will often come off a little crazy when he's not supposed to be. It just tarnishes the point that Horton isn't crazy, just loyal & devoted. Still, he made the character fun.
Then there's the ending. It really goes back to them extending certain moments. Now the suspense of the moment could also be a problem since it is the climax. Yet a majority of that scene just feels like they're trying to drag it out for as long as possible.
Disclaimer though: I know the story so I knew how it would end. That affected the way I view the ending since I knew how the book ended things.
I will give the movie 1 thing though. I did not expect Jojos observatory. It was a pleasant surprise.
Still, I'll really only watch this once."