Warm Bodies
97 min
After a zombie becomes involved with the girlfriend of one of his victims, their romance sets in motion a sequence of events that might transform the entire lifeless world.
Nicholas Hoult
Teresa Palmer
Lio Tipton
John Malkovich
Dave Franco
Rob Corddry
Cory Hardrict
Teen Romance
Community ReviewsSee all
"Warm Bodies is a very sweet movie and charming zombie love story and a riff on Romeo and Juliet but with a better ending. While I do like this movie it can be kind of a mess and not everything totally works but for the most part I can look past it and just enjoy the things that do work. Just a sweet little movie and good watch for a spooky v-day!"
"Its like Romeo & Juliet meets Beauty and the Beast mixing with Die Hard and of course adding in zombies. It's incredibly clever.
Now onto the actual review.
The beginning is slow and you just kind of force yourself to continue it. Yet at the same time it had me hooked and distracted me from my meal. I had put this on while I ate and I got 20 minutes in without taking a bite. So it is captivating in a way.
You're so focused on learning everything you can you don't realize how far in you get.
The way they meet is unexpected yet still exactly what you should expect. Then him taking her back to the airport is weird but works.
After that, things progress and I like the added constant of the cure is slowly occuring.
The boneys are also a nice touch so you have action throughout. I liked their addition because it showed a point of no return.
It never truly shocked me, but at the same time it did. It's a living contradiction due to the action yet romantic comedy part. Despite it all though, it's satisfying and a good movie.
It's the perfect date night movie honestly. Rom com meets zombies? Fun and intriguing. "