James RomanoThe animation is great and the spirit of the original show is here. But the focus entirely on the mutants and not any of the villains we know was kind of a bummer. I really hope they make some adjustments if they make a sequel. Clearly spider-verse walked so this movie could run but that’s ok. I hope to see more animated films in this style. Also the music was 🔥
James RomanoI really like the way this show centers the worker and labor while highlighting the nightmarish creations like the gig economy, ride sharing & social media influencing brought on by late capitalism. It’s very funny and keeps surprising me which I love in a show. The social commentary is sharp and it’s a fun watch. Check it out!
James RomanoAt points very brutal and kinda funny for the most part. What surprised me was the world building within the show and the moments of somberness mesh very well with its black comedy tone. Not perfect but I am interested in season 2